We have some exciting news! CCAS has moved to a new and improved version of our platform. Not only is it more powerful and better organized, it is completely responsive (looks great on all devices).
The only issue we are experiencing with this move:
Members who joined after August 22, 2019 WILL NEED TO RE-ENTER THEIR PROFILE QUESTION, ANSWERS. Please accept our sincere apologies for this inconvenience.
We have added a new Profile Question: "Which Category best describes you?"
Categories: Amateur Artist, Professional Artist, Amateur Writer, Professional Writer, Independent Self-Publisher, Traditional Publisher, and Fan.
Please edit your Profile, and select your chosen category. By choosing the category that best describes you, will enable you to add content to the appropriate new modules:
1. Artists: Add photos to the new Arts & Prints Photo Module.
2. Writers: Add your bio information to the new Writers List Module.
3. Publishers: Add your bio information to the new Publishers List Module.
4. Publishers & Writers: Add books to the new Comic Books & Graphic Novels Module.
Things are going well. We are having a hard time getting our demo matterial finalized so we can send it off to people (kind of like your printer problem), but we have some good stuff and hopefully will be heading into the studio in Nashville within the next few months. Can't wait to see your new stuff and I'll pray for your situation. Take care.
what do u mean with borrom my inking skills?
sorry Soub I didn´t get that...
Hope great blessings come to your work this year. -C
Have a wonderful wonderful New Year. -C
And this is her Jesus video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_woShytyf1Q&feature=related
The human soul loves gloriousness, doesn't it? I like a great hero, and Jesus is the best of all heroes. -C
See you around!