A group for Jesus loving Bible thumpers who also like to stare unblinkingly into a screen while Samus Aran battles space pirates, or Master Chief saves the earth.
37 Members

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  • A question: Can anybody here write a software program?
  • Absolutely love The Legend of Zelda series! Any Ocarina of Time fans? That one is my favorite. I find myself going back to the older Nintendo games, just something about them.

    What are your favorite video game consoles?
  • One of my favorite games of several years back was "Final Fantasy Tactics".  It wasn't so much it being based on the "Final Fantasy" series, as much as I just enjoyed the format of the game.  Do you think they will ever start making those style of games again, or did it just not gain enough popularity to continue?  

  • As table top/ family games go, I like Dominion, though I haven't played it in a long while. I also like playing Apples to Apples and Catchphrase.

    As far as video games go I'll play lots of different games, especially if I have someone to play with, even FPS games, though I'm rather bad at them. I'm more of a PC gamer though. I like the most of the stuff that Blizzard puts out, stuff with zombies and the Thief game series. The origin story of the Silent Hill franchise is good, but some of the newer SH games have lost appeal, IMHO. I'm excited about the Tomb Raider reboot!

    I suppose that's all for now... :)

  • We play Munchkin, and used to play MTG but that was a few years ago, though I still have over 1K cards between me & my husbands decks, rares and uncommons lol. World of Warcraft player, used to play Warhammer 40K (Orcs), MW2, Starcraft 2, Elder Scrolls/Morrowind, and looking forward to the upcoming ESO (Elder Scrolls Online) MMO

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Zelda, Origins of Christianity?!?

You know, pretty much, my favorite game to play is zelda. Its start of course within my childhood watching my bro, beating up all those scary redeads in Ocarina of time and. I was soo scared  of those re-deads that I did not want to play that at all. Sometime I would play some roms on a really really old computer (the ones with a command prompt in it). I enjoyed it alot, obviously, but I remeber I can't defeat the ending.  Years later, because my bro sold the N64 and the old computer was gone.…

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Blender Game Developers Comptition

Just putting this out there,From Blender Nation:"Mal from CanDo Interactive is hosting a Blender game engine contest. The deadline is March 16th, and there's a nice lineup of prizes.From the contest page:'This competition is being run to encourage developers ( or teams of developers ) to create fun, cool looking content for the Game Engine built into Blender.With the release of 2.48, the GE has received a HUGE boost in terms of speed, functionality, and more importantly kudos.'More information…

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Gathering Of Gamers

I've just recently joined this Social Networking site strictly for gamers and i love it. I know most of you are probrably getting a little burnt out on social networking but this one is great and worth it. Delete your Facebook account if you have too.:) Also, don't forget to use my referal code if you join,(its in my profile) so i can win some swag. Is this spam? No, i was gonna tell you chaps about this anyway so we can have another cool place to meet and stuff, but i figure "Hey, while i'm at…

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