Finding A Place Somewhere Inbetween

Hey all,I just ran across a post, and might I add one that comes up time and time again in Forums discussing Christian projects. It's stinging to say the least and I feel kind of caught somewhere in the middle.Okay the general complaint from a lot of Christians is that Christian media is often cheesy, preachy, and well cheap. Also there is a lot of Christian media out there that is just too typical such as retold Bible stories, demon/angel warfare stories or Christian rip offs of worldly media. So the general complaint is the lack creativity, and the finance to make it of good quality. That's probably a little too blunt but it's the discussions that I have encountered and gotten into.Now I created a comic, so I often sympathize with Christian creators because I'm there. My points have been, if you don't put money into these ministries then how in the world can we create anything of quality! Also I feel like a lot of these people complaining would sooner give the world more of a chance than anything labeled Christian.I also understand that you can't really go too far the other way with more traditional Christians because if it's too nontraditional and not blatantly Christian you risk rejection from them too. My comic is so not traditional so I feel kind of stuck somewhere in between trying to keep it cheese free yet tamed enough to appeal to other Christians.Anyway what are your thoughts, and how do you deal with it?Beloved in Grace,Souba

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  • Thank you Carole for your thoughts, I'm always glad to hear from you! :-D
    I think that is a great point about giving the world a glimpse into our lives as Christians. That is really what makes Christianity distinct is the way that , the grace of God through Christ Jesus and the way Holy Spirit directs in our lives.
    Our art ultimately shows Christ even if not on the surface, but it attracts the world to us to where we then can share with them about Jesus. Wow, that is just really great!
    Beloved in Grace,
  • I always believe there is a place where the secular world will allow a Christian inside. I really do. But I also think that perhaps Christianity is getting open enough to allow for more non-typical creativity. Write what you wish to write. God will make room in the publishing world for it. I really believe that.

    I also believe that we have to really decide who we are writing to. The world can take a little christianity because even secular folks use Christian symbols: matrix, constantine, etc. Preachy Christian art preaches to the saved. As far as I'm concerned the christian world doesn't need another book on how to be saved. The non-Christian world needs art that touches on Christianity, almost like a glimpse, so they can get a look at the religion. But the work doesn't have to be too Christian to touch them. The Christian world needs art that helps them deal with spiritual issues. Sin, forgiveness, etc. But I so hate books that have altar calls in them.

    And yes, the Christian world is tough. I got kind words for Wind Follower from some christians but the harshest I got came from both christians and non-christians. -C
  • Hi Souba,

    I think it's helpful to separate the various accusations that some level against Christian comics in general.

    Cheesy- I've never been able to get a real handle on what this means exactly. So I dislike the word, as it is too ambiguous to be useful to me.

    Preachy- Souba, I -like- preachy comics. I understand that they aren't everyone's cup of tea though. But isn't condemning them across the board a bad thing? I've heard people say that preachy comics turn people off, but the Gospel will never be popular with everyone. It has always polarized people throughout the ages, those who accept and love it, and those who reject and despise it. It seems to me that some people who say they are prettying it up are really just watering it down. I don't think all Christian comics need to be preachy, but I really think some do.

    Cheap- Well, this is true. But I think one of the wonderful things about comics is that it's an attainable dream for many people. Most of us will never be able to sing, act, or animate, but we can crank out little self published comic books, lol:) Speaking for myself, part of the reason I started writing my home made comics is that there just weren't any Christian comics out there. And later, when they began to arise, most of them weren't ministering to my particular tastes and needs. With the idea that there might be other people out there who like the kinds of stories I like, I felt led to make comics. One day, when the Christian comic book movement is as big as Christian music, I'll probably be completely happy settling back to just being a consumer. But for now I feel like sharing my cheap comics:)

    A thing I have learned for myself is that God and the body of Christ is bigger than I imagine. God uses all kinds of comics to touch my life. One of my favorite Christian comics of all times was a little amateur comic called 'The Bakers Story'. It was drawn with BIC ball point pens and lettered in a type writer. It was circulated only in a 25 member fanzine called "Alpha Omega", and even some of the members thought it was too preachy because of some of the extended worship scenes. I loved it because I got a real feel for the reverence and faith of the characters for God. On the other extreme, the very successful and professional "Serenity" series was also a blessing to me.

    Your own 'Jakket Knightmare' wasn't anything like what I had ever imagined a Christian comic being like, and I'm very glad! I got a copy, read it, and enjoyed it very much. I like to consider myself a fan. So, praise God that He didn't force others to make Christian comics only the way I expect. Oh, how dull the world would be if it was only what I could come up with in my imaginings! Your approach was very creative. But if God can use the fresh and the innovative, can't He also put some life into preachy and cheap comics? Even raising the dead is possible with God:)

    We are all different parts of the body. Even as comic creators or writer wannabes, we are all different people with particular roles to play in God's great plan. I think it's wonderful to listen to the opinions of other Christian comic fans, and yes, to take those opinions, tastes, and critiques into account when we work on our own visions. But I really think a 'one size fits all' definition of Christian comics isn't really necessary except in the most basic of senses. We are Christians, making comics. Too much more than that can get stifling, don't you think?

    Retold Bible Stories- Bible stories exist to teach us, according to the Apostle Paul. They are told and retold daily by countless people all over the world. I have a friend, Billy Leavell, who makes Biblical comics that he prints in that fanzine 'Alpha Omega', and I love them! Which reminds me, I must put 'Dust' on my 'to get' list, it looks really good!

    Demon/Angel Warfare stories- This theme and the Spiritual Armor of Ephesians is very popular isn't it? In this case I think it might be a natural phase in the life of aspiring Christian writers. We don't want our comics to be talking head. Comics are about action! You have to have conflict! These two themes are obvious avenues for having a little God approved violence in a Christian story. Though, when I think of it, are there really too many of these out there? 'Archangels' and 'Angel Dreams' come to mind, but I'm having trouble coming up with more names. 'Archangels' was pretty easy to get in Christian bookstores, but 'Angel Dreams' was a better book in my opinion. So maybe there's room for multiple titles with this theme.

    So, anyway, what I should have said from the start is "Be true to the vision God has given you". If you want to keep your comics 'cheese' free because that is your calling from God, wonderful! There are people that you can reach that the rest of us can't, because God has gifted you in a unique way. If you feel you need to tame things down for more Church appeal, great! Only, don't be burdened or pressured to make your projects other than what you have dreamed because I, or anyone else tells you how things ought to be, 'kay?

    I really enjoyed thinking about this topic and what it means to me, thank you for bringing it up. I feel a little lighter and a little freer now:)

    God bless you Souba, and 'Jakket Knightmare'
    Gerry Lee
    • Reading your reply has really blessed me, Gerry. It's brought relief for one thing I think I've been burdening myself too much with what people think instead of just focusing on the story God gave me to tell. You think I wouldn't after Jesus said "Come to me all who are heavy laden and I will give you rest" Matt. 11:28 Man resting is really hard work! :-P

      I was venting my frustrations with other posts I have read recently, and really wanted to hear what other Christian creators had to say about these issues. Thank you for answering and reinforcing some of the things that I have felt as I've run across these issues. Personally I love Christian works! I want so much to see them outdo what the world has to offer, cause let's face we got a lot more to offer this world! :-D

      Anymoo, I'll keep your thoughts in mind next time I come across those posts.
      Beloved in Grace,

      PS yes JK2 is coming very soon. ;-D
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