We have some exciting news! CCAS has moved to a new and improved version of our platform. Not only is it more powerful and better organized, it is completely responsive (looks great on all devices).
The only issue we are experiencing with this move:
Members who joined after August 22, 2019 WILL NEED TO RE-ENTER THEIR PROFILE QUESTION, ANSWERS. Please accept our sincere apologies for this inconvenience.
We have added a new Profile Question: "Which Category best describes you?"
Categories: Amateur Artist, Professional Artist, Amateur Writer, Professional Writer, Independent Self-Publisher, Traditional Publisher, and Fan.
Please edit your Profile, and select your chosen category. By choosing the category that best describes you, will enable you to add content to the appropriate new modules:
1. Artists: Add photos to the new Arts & Prints Photo Module.
2. Writers: Add your bio information to the new Writers List Module.
3. Publishers: Add your bio information to the new Publishers List Module.
4. Publishers & Writers: Add books to the new Comic Books & Graphic Novels Module.
Hi ya, I know you like Christian comics so I know you'll love The Word for WORD Bible Comic, (Unabridged, historically accurate graphic novel of the Bible with a high view of scripture. For ages 15+)
To complete the first book I need your help, as I am raising funds on Kickstarter. My passion is to get God's Word in full into the hands of young believer and unbelievers and comic lovers of all ages, in the hope they will come to really know God. Please check it out at the KS page, it's going well but I still need lots of backers so I hope as a CCAS member you'll please pledge to support this project...
If you are concerned about the accuracy and faithfulness to the text please read this Blog...
PS - Please add me as a friend here on CCAS
Blog is posted. Thank you Matt.
I was writing a blog on frame design and I referred to Rust Angel#6 pretty heavily. Could you please look over this section and give me your comments? Thanks!
"Because Wormworld more of an Epic water venture rather than a combat strip, the scroll format is perfect. I guess I’m conditioned by comic books to think that epic combat had to be shown in a comic book format. Then I read the latest Rust Angel#6 by Matt Tirre, and felt the rollercoaster experience of scrolling down through a multipage action scene. A lot of the “tricks” for slowing the reader down aren’t there, and a lot of the action is vertical(meaning that your eye flows down to catch the action, even when the lines are horizontal), so as you scroll down through a fight scene the effect is … cinematic. Scribd, Matt’s server of choice, loads quickly and operates easily. Matt’s style of storytelling is so smooth that the reader can grab the scroll bar, pull it down, and watch their own movie. Like Myazaki, Matt is already displaying an aptitude for the air and dizzying points of view, so the scroll format suits him well. Check out the last page of his comic; lots of contrast light to dark, beautiful detail in his main character; she’s looking at a sunset which catches and holds the reader’s eye as well. Matt’s given his reader’s a ride but he’s not going to let them get away without a reflective pause at the end."
Thanks again for your time...and your art. It's pretty amazing.
Hello Matt,
Just saw an update about your comics, and congrats! If you're interested in being interviewed for my blog, e-mail me at rsquaredcomicz@gmail.com.
Welcome to CCAS, Matt! Your art looks top notch, as does your site. Make yourself at home.
Sir, hello there. I went ot your site. Very interesting. I have a Christian graphic novel series also. If you want a little job, please draw me a 'Raegan and RJ in Space!' picture or sketch, e-mail it to me at ranger5xrmc@aol.com and I will purchase it and send you $30 by certified mail that day. Go to my web site for ideas. You can do pencil, computer, whatever. The web site is http://www.raeganandrjinspace.com where my Christian space story is. I will post your work in the 'amazing art' section with your name on it for kids all over the world to enjoy. God Bless. Rich Collins