We have some exciting news! CCAS has moved to a new and improved version of our platform. Not only is it more powerful and better organized, it is completely responsive (looks great on all devices).
The only issue we are experiencing with this move:
Members who joined after August 22, 2019 WILL NEED TO RE-ENTER THEIR PROFILE QUESTION, ANSWERS. Please accept our sincere apologies for this inconvenience.
We have added a new Profile Question: "Which Category best describes you?"
Categories: Amateur Artist, Professional Artist, Amateur Writer, Professional Writer, Independent Self-Publisher, Traditional Publisher, and Fan.
Please edit your Profile, and select your chosen category. By choosing the category that best describes you, will enable you to add content to the appropriate new modules:
1. Artists: Add photos to the new Arts & Prints Photo Module.
2. Writers: Add your bio information to the new Writers List Module.
3. Publishers: Add your bio information to the new Publishers List Module.
4. Publishers & Writers: Add books to the new Comic Books & Graphic Novels Module.
thanks for your kind words. I look forward to strengthening our friendship and our service to our Lord with our talents. Be blessed brother.
Happy Birthday, Gerard!
Thanks, really appreciate the warm welcome. I will let Howard know, we're looking at the movie being completed around the end of April if all goes well. Sorry that I'm so late in getting back with you, I've had some internet trouble and just able to get back online. I'm up to page 7 for "The Pole" and pg 5 for "Sealed". Will be posting some shots of the pages here on CCAS. All the comics that are created through Ministry Comics is either in Manga or Fusion styles :D
Hey Gerard, Miss you encouragements around the CCAS site. How're you doing?
Thank you for the warm welcome. Still getting used to the format of the Website.
Thanks for the encouragement keep up the good work and good faith, I poseted some new pics as well
Thanks for the post. As far as my book I'm actually rewriting it. I will have it published through Amazon (because it's free, and I really don't want to do the foot work again when trying to find a publisher. I did end up self-publishing it.) I will let you know when it is done and out. On the other hand, you can just get the first (0 issue) in February. :D I do like the number three and thing normally happen in threes.
Thank you! I haven'y heard of those before but I also haven't read that many manga before. I think your art is good! I like your style. :) I can't wait to get some up. :D
Thanks for taking time to listen to the podcast, and I'm glad you enjoyed it! If you would like to be included in the e-mail list where you'll receive updates on my comic projects (usually an e-mail a month), e-mail me at rsquaredcomicz@gmail.com with "Add me" as the subject. Take care and happy holidays to you and yours!
Thanks for your comments Gerald. Very encouraging.