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Spiritman Daily Dose 336

In issue 1 Martin had a dream about Chelsea that turned out to be real. After hearing Martin's explanation I'm surprised that Chelsea has even bothered to ask.
"Know that the LORD, he is God. It is he who has made us, and we are his. We are his people, and the sheep of his pasture." Psalm 100:3 WMB
Big favor...
Spiritman is now available through Illustrious Comics. It would help us out a lot if people would visit their website and give us a 5 star rating. Go to...
Thanks a bunch!..
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Important Message About LABS

"The tricky part about comic strips is that they are not designed to end. The format is designed to simply go on indefinitely. However, I have long believed that all comic strips have an expiration date. That date varies wildly depending on the nature of the individual strip. The trick is to end the comic before it goes stale, or worse, sour.

And for LABS, after three and a half years, I've decided that time has come.

I considered going on hiatus, but I feel I've done just about everything I wanted to do with LABS. Also, I wanted the strip to have closure, both for myself and for you. I won't rule out revisiting the characters at some later date, but I have no plans for that right now. I'm not going to stop creating in general, though I do hope to catch my breath a little before I dive into another major project.

The final LABS strip will run on July 24, 2019 and I'm really happy with the ending I have in mind. But I can't say any more about that.

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read LABS, everyone who has shared LABS, and everyone who has encouraged me with your kind words. God bless you all.

Aaron Uglum
June 2019"

Also, thank you to everyone here on CCA. This was the first place I shared LABS, and you've been a big encouragement to me.

Also, I still plan on posting things on twitter and instagram if anyone happens to use them.

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Spiritman Daily Dose 335


Martin finally has the courage to share openly what he really cares about.

"Your loving kindness, LORD, is in the heavens.
Your faithfulness reaches to the skies." Psalm 36:5 WMB

Big favor...
Spiritman is now available through Illustrious Comics. It would help us out a lot if people would visit their website and give us a 5 star rating. Go to...
Thanks a bunch!

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Spiritman Daily Dose 334


A sensitive moment. Martin has just apologized for not sharing good news with Chelsea and Spiritman is still fighting off demons.

"LORD, how long will the wicked, how long will the wicked triumph? They pour out arrogant words. All the evildoers boast. They break your people in pieces, LORD, and afflict your heritage." Psalm 94:3-5 WMB

Big favor...

Spiritman is now available through Illustrious Comics. It would help us out a lot if people would visit their website and give us a 5 star rating. Go to...

Thanks a bunch!

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