Landon J Weckerly's Posts (57)

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quick comment if you got the time.


Hi All:

I was tooling with different techniques for drawing the face.  The left is one technique I've always defaulted to, the right is a newer technique I stumbled over online.  Which one do you think looks more organic? realistic? better?  etc.

Any comment is appreciated.  Thanks.

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Birthday issue.

Hi All:

I would've posted sooner, but this project had 2 objectives: 

1. get back into drawing a full issue in a set amount of time.

2. create a birthday gift for my bro with an idea I had been sitting on for years. 

So, since tomorrow is his birthday, I will post the bday issue here, pencils and dialog.

Feel free to comment or critique, just remember the 1 to 1 rule: if for every  comment of what you didn't like, you have to post a comment of what you did like.

Thanks for being patient with me3448615782?profile=original3448615877?profile=original3448615739?profile=original3448615837?profile=original3448616002?profile=original3448615914?profile=original3448615965?profile=original3448615939?profile=original3448616027?profile=original3448616064?profile=original3448615992?profile=original3448616089?profile=original3448616202?profile=original3448616145?profile=original3448616227?profile=original3448616302?profile=original3448616164?profile=original

And here's the Dialog:





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Next Project

Hi All:

I'm still kicking and still drawing.  Been drawing alot more these days, thanks to God's provision in the form of "Quitter" by Jon Acuff, pick it up if you get the chance.

The reason for this post is help on deciding my next art project.  I'm almost done with my current project, posting soon, and need a new one to work on, progress through, and learn from.

I'm hoping you guys can help me choose my next project.  I'll list the titles below and whichever gets the most questions about, I will undertake, after praying about it of course.

1.  Zombie vs Robot.

2. The Eschotologist.

3. 2 Kings 13:21

4. Rugby Bros

5. Heros Guilt.

I'm also thinking of taking on another Kubert correspondence course, the story graphics course to give me more structure to learn through. 

Thanks for taking the time to read this and for any help you can give.

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When to call it quits on a project?

Hi all:A question I've had on my mind lately: when would one throw in the towel on a project and move onto the next?My current project has....Come at a time of big changes in my life.My style has noticeably changed since starting it.And I'm finding a hard time convincing myself to finish it or redo the pages that need changing.To clarify, this is a personal project, I'm not getting paid at all for it.Any thoughts, stories, or advice?
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Yep, Still drawing.

Alot has happened these past 3 or so weeks.  Difficult to explain and probably too much to put in one blog post.  I've been drawing more consistently than I have in a long time, and I want to be intentional about it.  make it a daily habit instead of highs and lows, endure the times of no inspiration, lack of creative juice, no mojo etc, and attempt, even if it fails, the comps that are impossible.  

I've been praying that God would use me through the trial or struggle immediately in front of me, and that's actually sparked a change.  I'm not totally changed, but I do feel like I'm changing, and maturing.  it's a process and I'm actually interested in seeing the end result.  

Anyways, felt like posting so I drew Sinsear, a villain from the Cable series in the early '90s.  I think he was the best villian ever, but he got killed off way to soon and the lamest of ways.  He's probably been rebooted (like everything else) and is not nearly as cool or evil as he originally was.

Comments and critiques are welcome.

Hope to be posting more and more often.

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The Things we carry......


The things we carry-

Loaded down, feel the weight,
All this with me I take
Wince under the load of this carry on
I take it with me anywhere, everywhere n beyond

So much cargo n the packing list only gets longer
More n more overwhelming, how could this all be me?
No suitcase can stay closed forever

Open it up, see all that's inside
Ups n downs the memories reside
On a ride called life, anchored to my name
Joy pride sorrow guilt hope n shame
See where I come from, what I've done.
See my contents my life my history see it all


My hopes n dreams my failures n nightmares deep dark
secrets n starry eyed day dreams
If I show this to you what will you think?
If I show you this will you leave me to sink?
Will this drive you away if I put it on display?


For this I carry because it is me
My name myself my history
Do you want to know me? Unlock the Handel, tell me what you see
Unload and see all my baggage, the things I carry
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Green lanterns


This has to be the 20th time I've done this same setup of green lanterns:  Kilowog in the background, Hal Jordan on the right, John Stewart on the left, I originally had Katma Nui in the center holding the lantern battery, but found out she was more a warner bros creation for the Justice league cartoon, so I opted for Soranik Natu in the center. Recently started using the blue leads for the setup/template phase, but my old dell scanner doesn't interface so well with my HP laptop, so the blue still shows up.  I did try to ink this one in, but it only looked really really bad.  Hope you guys enjoy.

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Sad news

It looks like I won't make it to Phoenix comicon this year.  This will break the streak at 8 years.  Money is tight, I'm flying out the next day to see my niece for the first time.  This sucks, I really wish I could make it work.  I will miss being there this year.  Maybe this will give me extra time to come back stronger the next year, might even have a table there, God willing.

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Far out love story

Dan Lee and Brien Sparling, this is for you.

This was the interim art project I was mentioning.  The title was just a working title, but I really couldn't think of a better one.  I just did the 4 pages of the original idea, didn't want to get bogged down in back story and such.  Deliver the sizzle as it were.  I also took a crack at dialog, mainly just to get a feel for putting in word bubbles and framing.  i wrote the dialog, and I want to state for the record I never set out to be a writer and have no formal training in writing outside elementary school grammar.

Uploaded the pencils too.









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Finished my interim art project, only problem is I don't have the A4 scanner was planning on having at this point, I loathe the thought of going back to my old computer and scanning each page a 1/2 at a time and having that ugly black line through the center of it.  And my old computer is just that, old.  Might not even be able to handle composting and touching up 4 pages of artwork.  I seem to be in the stage of life where I just get stuck.  Blech.  

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Photoshop elements vs photoshop

Looking to upgrade from my old photoshop 7 to a newer version.  A photographer buddy of mine suggested getting photoshop elements instead of the full blown photoshop.  For drawings and comic art, is photoshop elements a better choice over the complete package of Photoshop?  (i did find out elements doesn't support CMYK, which is what's needed to print, right?)

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Far out question

If anybody has this same cup or know's the artist who drew this comp of batman, please tell me.  It's starting to aggrivate me, google images does jack squat when I search for it.

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concept art for my Brother's book

So my brother is trying to be a writer for a living.  And though he just wants to write novels (the old school kind, full of words and absolutely no pictures) he does do some sketches as inspiration or reference so he can write for a character more easily.  He didn't have time of late, so he asked me to do some for him.  Honestly an art assignment is easier to stick with then my own random drawing.  It's hard being my own boss, because I hate a-hole bosses and such, so why be an A-hole to myself?  Assignments like these are the fun challenges I'm growing to like more and more3448613875?profile=original

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