When to call it quits on a project?

Hi all:A question I've had on my mind lately: when would one throw in the towel on a project and move onto the next?My current project has....Come at a time of big changes in my life.My style has noticeably changed since starting it.And I'm finding a hard time convincing myself to finish it or redo the pages that need changing.To clarify, this is a personal project, I'm not getting paid at all for it.Any thoughts, stories, or advice?
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  • Ecclesiastes 9:10
    Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might, for there is no work or thought or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol, to which you are going.

    Luke 9:62
    Jesus said to him, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.”
  • I'm gonna go the other way with this. If you quit this project you run the risk, of developing a habit of quitting. Poison for a creative person. Instead, end well. Finish the story even if you truncate what you had planned to do.
  • how many times in the Bible do we see God tell or cause someone to wait for His time. God will close a door only to reopen it some other time,or He will say no. The frustrating part is that we can't see the difference. If your project is something that God is telling you to wait on He will keep it with you. Pray and give it up to God. He will give you peace.

  • Hello,

         I think that sometimes it is time to put aside a project. Don't get rid of it, of course. Maybe you'll bounce off of the idea at a later date. Maybe you have two or three ideas that you'll have put aside, and suddenly they'll crash together and voila, a brand-new, more awesome project will emerge (this happened to me a couple months ago). Think about whether you really want to continue it, or whether it just feels like you've put so much effort into it that it would feel wrong to put it aside. I wrote a story that I had always wanted to write and had spent years thinking about. But when it came time to edit it, I always avoided it. I realized it was written from a mental place I was no longer at. If that's the case for you, I'd put it aside and work on something that energizes you. But in the end that is up to you. And like Pierre said, pray about it. Think about that old project. Does it make you feel unhappy or guilty? Think about the new project, and go with what you believe God wants you to do.

    Hope this helps,


  • Every project is a good project. If you feel as though you shouldn't do this particular one at this moment, put it to the side for a little while. Go back to it when your spirit is filled with passion, it'll be worth it. Overall, pray for guidance. 

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