For the new comic artists, rusty comc artists and new upcoming hopefuls: place to discuss, offer helpful critique and advice to one another.

145 Members

Forum Issues!

Folks, just an update, but I had a problem with my internet when I submitted Hint's & Tips, discussion, so I apologize if there are so many posted, I don't know how to delete them, if you posted a discussion, please select "View ALL" to see if it's still here, i made it to where 10 forum posts are supposed to be seen at a time, please let me know if you posted one and it's not there, sorry for the goof!

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  • oops sorry wrong link... that was for a new tablet not refurbished try this link...

  • Hi Robert I am not a professional though I do cartoons for the disabled and do one for a mag. I have the Wacom intuos3 pen and tablet but just ordered the Bamboo pen and touch craft for the touch feature.

    You can get it online at for exactly $ 99.00 no tax, free shipping depending on where you are or just the pen and touch for $79.99. It comes with Photoshop elements 7 which I use Photoshop 7 and 8 now. Except for a rough draft I do my toons almost completely with the electronic pen. They are good programs to start. With a little practice I am sure you will do fine. my cartoons are at

    I have a lot of fun with the table now and hope to have more fun with the pen and touch!

  • i'm looking for a writer to collaborate with on a story. 4-6 pages would the most at this time i could commit to. looking forward to working with someone. you can reach me at
  • I am currently looking for a comic artist for my comic/graphic novel "2 Witnesses". I can be reached via email at
  • Please vote for my entry in Small Press Idol:

    We are into round 2 and every vote counts. The link to our project, 'Shifthouse" is below:

    Thanks for your support.
  • Hey everyone, this group looked like the place for me to get started. I mainly do manga art for our Children's Church program. I have some samples ready and hopefully I will have the links available to you all.
  • Hey everybody. I've recently committed the sin of over-committing myself, and now have too many projects to work on. I have a webcomic running called Outcasts that I really would like to keep up. I have a script written for the second chapter, which will be made of about 8 strips, but I don't have the time to draw it. So, I need an artist, specifically one that can do pencils and inks. Unfortunately, there's no money involved, since I'm not getting paid anything either, but I'll put your name on the artwork and send you copies of the colored and lettered artwork so you can add it to your portfolio. If you want more info, message me or email me at God bless!!
  • hiya ppls! i'm really into manga. i can draw ppl, but not animals so much.... i'm still working on back grounds and shading. i'm a bit rusty on feet and hands still but i seem to be getting better. my lines are often rough and i need to work on that. any advice?
  • Hi Everyone.
    I'm an inker currently inking the Green Arrow series for DC Comics.My past series included X-Men,Superman,Spider-Man,Wolverine ,Capt. America and many others.
    If you need to hire an inker,even for a pin up,head, etc. please give me a try.You can see my gallery at ( members gallery)
    God bless,
    Joe Rubinstein
  • I have trouble with drawing buildings and towns that look realistic and functional. I mean, I've gotten better, but the buildings look sloppy. Do you have any tips for that? Thanks. :)
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Encouragement for Amateurs

Hey, guys! I'm quite the amateur artist, so I know that it can be really tough... A lot of people in my life don't understand the point of it—comics don't pay, so why bother? A lot of Christians think it's worthless—something secular can't speak into the lives of anyone. And as an amateur, I am constantly told by others and by my own fears and doubts that maybe I'm just not good enough to do this... To do this art thing, nonetheless to do it for the King of kings. So I constantly go back to the…

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3 Replies

It's not just about drawing pictures... you have to tell the story!

Hello brothers and sister in Christ!Thanks be to Jesus for His grace and mercy and giving me a nudge to write this down.While I still struggle with Captain Miracle, the problem is not drawing "the Mighty Man of God," but showing what the characters in the panel are doing. This wasn't easy for me to get into and I hope you have less difficulty. But once we're past drawing figures, trees, grass, cars, roadways, city skylines, etc., we need to effectively arrange these elements in the panel. If…

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5 Replies · Reply by Mike Jacobs Oct 30, 2020