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The Dreamland Chronicles

The Dreamland Chronicles: Book One, Scott Christian Sava (writer, artist), 2006, 294 pp, $19.95. This is a collection of web comics.

On a brief trip to Chicago in 2003 George Macas, Jr took me to a local comic shop and while there I discovered a comic about purple haired elves, fairies, rock men, cyclops, magic swords, and dragons with gorgeous computer generated art. Later I happened upon the web site for the The Dreamland Chronicles where the creator Scott Christian Sava was producing more pages of this elegantly produced online comic.

The Dreamland Chronicles records the adventures of Alex Carter, a college student, whose dreams take him to a world replete with castles and fantasy denizens like talking animals, elves, fairies, giants, pirates and huge, cunning and malevolent dragons. Alex gains a magic sword and armor and a romance with a beautiful elfian Princess. The story is a delightful fairy tale where the distinction between good and evil is very well defined. Alex alternates between the real world where his brother Daniel provides a geeky, but intelligent foil for the more athletic sibling. The story combines daring do adventure and romance with some philosophical and theological discussions. The Christian elements are subtle rather than overt.

The Dreamland Chronicles is a genuine publishing success with it's wonderful 3-D like art, engaging characters and captivating storyline. The Dreamland Chronicles web site logged on 2 million unique readers by June 2007 (from its January 2006 startup). This all age comic is also one of the most accessible. You can go to the web site and view all of the 500 plus pages Sava has produced so far. Also numerous issues of The Dreamland Chronicles are available for free download from the web site. Also there is a recently released second volume that allows you to curl up with a print version. Which ever form you find most enjoyable you are in for a page turning compelling read with characters and a tale that you can honestly care about.
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3 Ways Artists & Designers Hear from God

How do you hear from God concerning your creative talent?

The key principle that I believe is that God speaks to us all the time, we just need to:

* Be in the place where God is speaking in order to hear Him.
* Get rid of the “noise” that tries to drown out the sound of His voice.
* Refrain from silencing the voice of God when it conflicts with our own “voice”.
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This week at kids club

It is amazing how God works in our lives. I have been blessed to be a part of a great ministry in the city where I live called Urban Restoration. Urban Restoration houses a variety of ministries, all geared towards reaching out to the inner-city.This past spring a friend of mine who new that I had been working on a comic called Frogboy invited me down to Urban to meet a guy there. He told me they were looking for a mascot to use for the ministry and had been looking for some time. After talking with him I said I wanted to be a part of this ministry and I would do anything that they needed me to. I was excited because I thought this was going to be my big break. This place has connections, I mean big local churches, and professional Christian athletes, and Billy Graham for goodness sake. I could see it all taking shape. Frogboy would be bigger than Veggie Tales. I couldn't wait for them to get back with me.I didn't hear from anybody for months. The entire summer went by and I thought that maybe it just wasn't meant to be. I began to get discouraged. I prayed and prayed and prayed some more. Then one day about the middle of September I got a call from a guy named Johnny D. He wanted me to come down to Urban to meet with him about the upcoming fall session of Outreach Kids Club. Awesome I thought. So I met him and told him of all of these great ideas that I had and he just gave me a schedule of events. It was the outline for the 10 week kids club at Urban Restoration. He told me that the Ten Commandments would be the lessons. I would need to make a new two page comic every week Illustrating each of the first five Commandments.Johnny called me and asked me to come to Urban Restoration on a Saturday one week before the first kids club was to start. I thought he wanted to talk some more and hear a few more of my great ideas, but when I got there a few more folks were there too and he was handing each of us a stack of fliers promoting the next weeks kids club. There was an old school bus running in the parking lot and we all got on. There were 5 adults and 4 teenage kids. The bus took us into a pretty scary neighborhood called Tuckaseegee and we just kept on going further and further into that neighborhood until we came to the Bahamas neighborhood. Just to look at this place you would think that no one would possibly live here.Then Johnny said to get off the bus. He wanted us to take the fliers he had given us and go door to door shouting OUTREACH KIDS CLUB! OUTREACH KIDS CLUB! So I went door to door and would you believe it, that among the broken glass, and the boarded up windows, and the mean barking dogs that CHILDREN lived here and a bunch of them too.They came running outside to take the fliers and they didn't want to wait until the next Saturday, they wanted to get on that bus right then and go to kids club. These children were hungry for affection and hungry for attention, and I began to realize that God's plan for me to be involved was much different than I had previously thought. I even had the chance to share with a 17 year old boy who prayed to receive Christ right there on the sidewalk.We are just about to finish up this fall session of kids club and so much more has happened since that first bus ride back in early October. I did make the comics and they are posted here, but just wait until I tell you what the big news is with Frogboy. You won't believe it.Until next time,John
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Free Comics!!!

We at Community Comics have recently entered into an agreement with WOWIO to present our material on their site for free downloading. WOWIO books are free because sponsors pay authors and publishers on your behalf. It’s a win-win scenario. You do need to register with WOWIO before downloading any material, but the process is very easy.

We currently have 2 titles available:


Story and art by Sherwin Schwartzrock.

Legends presents the story of “Korah’s Rebellion” from Numbers 16 in a very dynamic manner. Witness the mighty power of God in action when tensions arise in the wilderness as Moses is openly confronted by opposing clans.

Legends also includes the back-up story “Good News” by Ben Avery and Sherwin Schwartzrock,

The Thieves

Story by Ben Avery with art by Paolo Libunao

The Thieves is a look at the greatest story ever told, but told with a twist, focusing on the men who were hung on either side of Jesus.

Three bandits find themselves in over their heads when a robbery turns into the murder of an important Roman citizen. Suddenly, everything spins out of control as one faces losing his family, another faces losing his freedom, and all three face losing their lives at the hands of the Romans. It's a story of love and hate, revenge and redemption, hopelessness and hope.

Please feel free to bookmark our Publisher’s Page so you can check back from time to time. We will be adding more of our Community Comics titles as well as some very exiting titles from other Christian creators.

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Opening night

My daughter is very interested in becoming an actress. Only 12, Brittany still has a ton of passion for the things she wants to do. So we signed her up to participate in the local theater. When the man at the door said adults were desperately needed, I said I'd be willing to help. I figured I'd get a mailman spot or some one-line spot. Really, I was only doing it because of Brittany.

Brittany got one of the lead roles, that of the daughter of the family. As it turns out, I got the "dad" role.

The play is "Best Christmas Pageant Ever." I'd never heard of it. Honestly. No, I really mean it. Brittany had read the book, so she knew more about it than I did.

Well, tonight was opening night and let me tell you what a hoot it was. Brittany did fantastic, but I will admit that I had a lot of fun. To make it even better, Brett, my 7 year old son got a role...and my 66 year old mother got a role as one of the gossipy church ladies.

It was nice to see a community organization not affiliated with any church put on a play with such a nice message.

If I thought anyone reading this was close to Kennett, MO, I'd invite you to come see it! :)

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Welcome to Holsom is the featured comic preview of the week at Welcome to Holsom was written by Craig Schutt with art by Steven Butler and Jeff Albrecht. Check it out at

And you can find more Holsom goodness (including ordering information for sets of the comics) at:

And please take a few minutes to answer the survey that will follow the comic. Zondervan is very interested in getting feedback from fans of this type of material.

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The Enchanter

The Enchanter, (The Crusaders, Vol 18, 2007), Chick Publications, Jack T. Chick (w), Fred Johnson (a), 32 pp. Full Color comic book size. $3.50

Jack T. Chick is a genuine phenomenon in Christian comics. He is a polarizing figure whose work has spawned analytical studies and critical web sites both pro and con. Chick's comics leave little middle ground- you either love or hate his work. While his small black and white tracts are uncompromising in presenting the Christian gospel, it is his full-sized color comic book series, The Crusaders, that has generated the most controversy. Perhaps the web of conspiracy theories presented in these comics is the issue that sparks the most hated discussion. Whatever the issue, a new Crusaders comic is a major publishing event seeing that the last one came out almost two decades ago.

The Enchanter is a biography of Joseph Smith Jr. (1805-1844), the founder of the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints (Mormons). The story begins with a modern day vignette of a women living in Utah whose husband (an ex-Mormon) is found dead in their house. The authorities pronounce it suicide but the wife suspects murder. She calls Jim Carter and Tim Clark (The Crusaders) to help, as she is frightened by the seemingly menacing behavior of strangers toward her. Fearing for her safety she takes a flight out of state with funds provided by the Crusaders. This incident causes Jim and Tim to investigate the history of Mormonism. They contact ex-Mormon David Franks who gives them a detailed account of the beginnings of this heterodox religion. Franks account starts with the birth of Joseph Smith Jr. and follows him as he dabbles in folk occultism as a youngster, his first marriage to Emma Hale, the discovery of the illusory golden plates (supposedly the source of the Book of Mormon), several of his plural marriages, his links to the Masonic Lodge, the development of the Mormon church, and the organizing of his army, 'The Danities' Franks' account, shows Smith as a unbalanced power hungry charlatan with great personal charisma which eventually leads to his arrest in Carthage, Missouri and subsequent murder by a rampaging mob.

For those who have studied the history of Mormonism (from either non-LDS sources or even Mormon records) most of this is fairly familiar material. Perhaps the most interesting thing is the restraint Chick shows in some controversial areas. For instance, in 1977, a book titled 'Who Really Wrote the Book of Mormon?' was published (with a new and greatly expanded edition following in 2005 with more evidence, making an even stronger case for this theory exhibiting strong evidence that Smith plagiarized much of the Book of Mormon from a stolen manuscript by a man named Solomon Spalding. However, The Enchanter makes only one oblique reference (p. 17) to other sources for the Book of Mormon. Another incident surrounds the controversy of Smith's fatal escape attempt from the Carthage jail. Some accounts have him armed with a smuggled pistol defending himself against his attackers. Chick instead has an unarmed Smith being executed by apparently angry Masons.

Artist Fred Johnson does a very credible job with the material. Johnson is an excellent draftsman and it is surprising how little his work has changed (some may feel that his work has improved from his earlier efforts) over the past three decades. His work is still retains a pristine tightness and precise quality and for an essentially talking heads comic it communicates very well.

Chick's overarching conspiracy theory is revealed early on (p. 8, 18-19) as a Satanic plot to quell the revivals of the early 19th Century by sowing the seeds of heretical cults like Mormonism and Christian Science, as well as virulent ideologies like Communism, Nazism, Masonry, evolution as well as resurgent non-Christian world religions like Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. And, of course (as they have been a primary target of Chick's attacks in the past), the Roman Catholic church and the Jesuits are mentioned in this mix. The Bible does teach Christians how to battle spiritual forces, though one can debate with some of the exact details that Chick presents.

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Living in a Fallen World

Greetings friends and fellow believers. My name is Matthew. and this is my first entry :) One of my biggest struggles as a christian is the separation of the sacred and secular. The method to come together, as christians is one thing. but to separate yourselves as a whole and have little to no connection with the secular is a big problem for me. I always think, if a christians main goal is to spread the seed, share the message. how is that being accomplished on a christian radio station. or a christian book store. (both good things to some degree) but a part of me feels like alot of seeds are being thrown at trees. not in a good way. I have specific comics that i hope to publish under a christian label. and others under, non christain. this is because i hope to reach EVERYONE. there are alot of good things that get lost in the christain circles, and will never get out. because of the way christians segregate themselves. i know for a fact that christians can be used by satan. and god can use/speak through non believers. i am happy to find a place that christains can come and gather. but i also have to be true to my God and say that i want to be in the thick of it all. and be able to reach many with my creative gifts. so thank you for having me. and it will be great to hear from you all. God bless. and Keep dreaming.
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The Power Of Redeeming Love

Happy December Overcomers!!!! I was reading Jeremiah 8:18-22 and 9:1-3 and learned something...

The prophet Jeremiah spoke of weeping for his countrymen day and night because of God's judgement, which had already fallen upon them, and which still awaited them. Though they had rejected and persecuted the prophets and was not listening to Jeremiah, he was brokenhearted for them. His response was an expression of God's redeeming love in his own life.

My pastor told me of a man who had been the superintendent of a city rescue mission for 40 years was asked why he had spent his life working with dirty, unkempt, profane, drunken derelicts. He said, "All I'm doing is giving back to others a little of the love God has shown me." As a young man, he himself had been a drunkard who went into a mission for a bowl of chili. There he heard the preacher say that Christ could save sinners, and he stumbled forward to accept the Lord Jesus as his Savior. Though his brain was addled with drink, he felt a weight lifted from his shoulders, and that day he became a changed person. A little later, seeking God's will for his life, he felt the Lord calling him back to the gutter and reach the people still wallowing there. The power of redeeming love enabled him to carry on his depressing task for 40 years.

Christian friend, if you are only nice to nice people, if you love only those who are lovely, and if you treat the hateful the way they treat you, God's redeeming love is not flowing out from your life. If you can, I encourage you to reflect upon His goodness and grace. Then ask God to make His love a moving power in your life.

Remember: Love in return for love is natural; love in return for hate is supernatural.

This has been an Overcomer's moment.......Love you guys!!


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Chastened With Care

Hello Overcomers, I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year.

I just read Hebrews 12:5-15.......

The skilled surgeon was about to perform a very delicate operation on the ear of his patient when he spoke these reassuring words: "I may hurt you, but I will not injure you."

So too, the Heavenly Father in dealing with us may inflict pain, but we can be confident that whatever He does is for our good. In the course of our discipline, He may find it necessary to use the chastening rod, though it will always be administered in love. His pitying heart will never engage in "child abuse." Tenderly He will give the correction we need. The Scriptures says, "Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous; nevertheless, afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them who are execised by it" (Heb.12:11). You see, God has a wonderful plan for the life of every believer, and He designs many different methods of fulfilling it. Seeing only part of that divine blueprint, we ask, "Why this distasteful experience, this jolting financial reversal, this bodily weakness, this trying circumstance?" It's as if we squirm under the specialist's scalpel and cry out, "Stop, stop, you're hurting me!" We fail to realize that the pain is part of the process of removing the diseased area and is necessary if healing is to take place.

Be assured, child of God, that the chastening you are experiecing comes with the Father's care. All His purposes are for your good. He may "hurt" you, but He'll never "injure" you.

Just remember: God's chastening is not cruel but corrective.

This has been an Overcomer's moment. Love you guys........HK

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Checking in

Greetings and blessings to all!

My name is Wayne Collins, and I have come to love THE LORD! Thru his miracles and his never ending mercy I am discovering all that he has put into me, and where he wants me to go; I believe it was his divine intervention that lead me to CCAS. That said, I wanted to let everyone know about this GREAT PRODUCT that has been produced by an artist in England. His name is SIKU. Some of you may be familiar with his work. He is an ART DIRECTOR for Nickelodeon, UK, and has been the primary artist for the UK's most popular weekly comic book, 2000 AD. What you may not have known is that SIKU is a CHRISTIAN, and well respected THEOLOGIAN. He has recently reproduced the bible(niv) in MANGA FORM! He calls it the MANGA BIBLE and it comes in several versions( full bible version old and new testament, or separate testaments). Go to for his site. Also, I've received much love from the members of this site. I appreciate that. I look forward to making new friends and sharing artwork, as I continue my journey. Special shout out to Reggie Byars, a brother whom I've known thru my subconscious spirit, and whom I've been fortunate enough to have been reunited with his aquaintance thru CHRIST! (anyone remember Jam Quakky??)

Until next time,



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American Born Chinese

American Born Chinese, 2006, First Second, Gene Luch Yang (writer, artist), full color,
233 pp., $17.95. This is a collection of web comics.

This book combines three stories that intersect by the end of the book. The first is the adventures of the magical Monkey King, an ancient Chinese folk deity and Kung Fu master who achieves the four major disciplines of invulnerability. This leads him to a meeting with his creator, Tze-yo-Tzuh. Tze-Yo-Tzuh says of himself:

"I was, I Am, and I shall forever be. I have searched your soul, little monkey. I know your most hidden thoughts. I know when you sit and when you stand, when you journey and when you rest. Even before a word is upon our tongue, I have known it. My eyes have seen all your days." (p 80)

Of course this and other such sayings sound suspiciously like the God of the Judeo-Christian scriptures speaking from various Bible passages, including Psalms 139. The second story deals with the trials of the young Taiwanese boy Jin Wang who came to America with his immigrant parents. Jin's story is one of trying to make a place for himself in an alien culture. The third story concerns Danny (an Anglo appearing high school student) whose main trial in life is an annual visit of his extremely stereotypical and socially embarrassing Chinese cousin Chin-kee. The interactions between Danny, his friends and Chin-kee make for some hilarious situations. As mentioned previously all three of these seemingly divergent tales come together at the conclusion of the story.

Gene Yang's art is simple and effective storytelling with the flat, bright coloring by Lark Pien complimenting Yang's linework perfectly. This tale is more than a Asian boy trying to adjust to American culture. This is an amusing story that can teach lessons about prejudice, teenage romance, fitting in and tolerance. This is an excellent graphic novel and the well-deserved of the Printz Award for Excellence in Young Adult Literature.
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Ads used to support this site...

Why does when I view my page, a Christian fellowship group, is it supported by "Find sexy women" and "PIMP your profile" type advertisements? Come on, isn't that ironic?

Jesus Christ went into cities such as Jerusalem and taught there. When night came he always retreated to the outskirts of town to sleep as to not be associated with the evils of the cities...the temptations and appearences of evil.

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Seeing Jesus In The Morning

Hello Overcomers,

I just read Psalm 5............

If WE unlock the gates of the day with Bible reading and prayer, our path is sure to be filled with usefulness and blessing. Joseph Parker said, "The morning is the time for meeting the Lord, for then we are at our best, having a new supply of energy. Blessed is the day that is opened with prayer! Holy is the dawn that finds us on 'top of the mount' with God!"

Under the Old Testament law, the Levites were required to arise and "stand every morning to thank and praise the Lord, and likewise at evening" (1 Chr. 23:30). According to the New Testament, all believers are priests (1 Pet. 2:5, 9), and the Lord expects them to commune with Him daily. And those who begin the day with God are most likely to sense His presence in all that they do.

I heard a little 4-year-old who said to his parents one morning, "I won't get up until I see Jesus." At first they didn't know what he meant, but then the little fellow pointed to a picture on the wall. It was a painting of Christ. He wouldn't get out of bed until the light was enough to see the face of Jesus. They learned an important spiritual lesson from their son's innocent remark. It taught them never to begin their day's work until they had first "seen Jesus" in a time of meditation and prayer.

Let's be sure to follow the practice of the psalmist who directed his prayer to God early in the morning and looked to Him for strength. We too should determine never to begin the day until we've first seen Jesus.

This has been an Overcomer's moment. Talk to you soon..........................HK

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Welcom to Holsom

Welcome To Holsom #1-24 (2005-2007). Gospel Publishing House, Craig W. Schutt (w), Steven Butler (p 1-6, 8-12, 14, 16, 18, 20-24), Sonny Carder (p 7), Gordon Purcell (p 13, 15, 17, 19), Jeff Albrecht (i 1-5, 7-15, 17-20, 22), Al Milgrom (i 6, 16, 21, 24), Dan Davis (i 5, 23) $3.75 (for packets of three consecutive issues), 12 pp.

This series centers around the lives and adventures of a group of tweens and young teens in a small middle-American town named Holsom. The story begins with the discovery of an abandoned laboratory under a barn by four young people - Lucy (an adopted Asian girl), Shelby (a strong Christian), Mouse (a near-genius African-American boy) and Jorge (a Latino bad boy). This laboratory was owned by Horatio Holsom, an eccentric scientist who the town was named after, and who, in the late 1950s, secretly created giant robots. The children attempt to keep the lab a secret (along with a reactivated giant robot, Rover), but it eventually becomes known, attracting the attention of the wealthy, unscrupeous and power-hungry businessman JD Raye and his attorney, Miss Vile (a cross between Phylis Diller and Cruella DeVille). The cast expands to include many others, such as Jordan, the local pastor's pretty daughter, Noah, a good-hearted jock, Tabitha, a social outcast goth girl, Otto "Chopax" Farless, a hermit obsessed with UFOs and strange phenomena.

This series was developed as an aid in teaching young people basic decision making skills on ethical questions from a Biblical perspective. The issues are offered in packets of three issues each (i.e, #1-3; #4-6, ). These are intended for give-aways to children attending Sunday School. Most issues feature a plot summary of what has happened previously, a back-page word puzzle, and discussion questions about the behavior of the characters in each issue's story. The didactic element is developed subtly within the stories as the children are confronted with moral and spiritual dilemmas - and while the kids often make the right decision, sometimes they don't. Whichever the case, the consequences flow naturally from those decisions. The Christian characters are not presented as perfectly flawless paragons but rather exhibit poor attitudes and commit sins like anyone else. However, they do grow through their mistakes and become more mature and 'real' in the process.

This series is part Archie, part 1950s sci-fi, part Andy Griffith Show, part Disney classic animated movies with a solid Christian foundation carefully laid into the mix. The story works because the moral and spiritual teaching seems natural and not forced. Steven Butler, the main penciller, takes a cartoony approach to the characters that works well with the material, and one could easily see this story translated into an animated cartoon series. Interesting tidbits are thrown in for observant comics fans, like Al Milgrom's homage to Wally Wood in inking issue #6. Here's hoping that Welcome to Holsom is a great success and that there will be many return visits to this quintessential American-as-apple-pie small town.

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