Living in a Fallen World

Greetings friends and fellow believers. My name is Matthew. and this is my first entry :) One of my biggest struggles as a christian is the separation of the sacred and secular. The method to come together, as christians is one thing. but to separate yourselves as a whole and have little to no connection with the secular is a big problem for me. I always think, if a christians main goal is to spread the seed, share the message. how is that being accomplished on a christian radio station. or a christian book store. (both good things to some degree) but a part of me feels like alot of seeds are being thrown at trees. not in a good way. I have specific comics that i hope to publish under a christian label. and others under, non christain. this is because i hope to reach EVERYONE. there are alot of good things that get lost in the christain circles, and will never get out. because of the way christians segregate themselves. i know for a fact that christians can be used by satan. and god can use/speak through non believers. i am happy to find a place that christains can come and gather. but i also have to be true to my God and say that i want to be in the thick of it all. and be able to reach many with my creative gifts. so thank you for having me. and it will be great to hear from you all. God bless. and Keep dreaming.
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  • Great question, Matthew,

    CCAS has handled this in several ways. We have had a Christian Comics table at the San Diego Comic Con for a number of years. You can't get in a much more secular environment than that. We also have had Spiritual themes panels at San Diego with both Christians and non-Christians discussing various issues. Also others like George Macas, Jr has had a Christian comics table at the Chicago WizardWorld Con and a Chapel Service. Likewise Carl Borg had a Christian Comics table at the Fallcon in Minnesota.
    Fellowshipping with other Christians in a healthy church context and with other believers who share like interests is vital. I personally have been involved with various local secular comics groups over the years doing some seed planting.
    Hopefully this is helpful.
    God bless,
  • Hey Matthew,
    just remember: Jesus said that it was the sick that need a doctor...
    I'm not saying that you need to shoot up with the drug user to relate to them, it's just we need to be where the light can be seen. You may be the only church they come into contact with. God has already given you all you need to stay strong and focused. Stay in prayer and remember to not give in to those things that you know God would not be pleased with. You only have one person to impress. That is your heavenly Father. Segragating doesn't get anything done but isolate. If you get the oppurtunity, join my discussion group 'Are you an overcomer?' I speak at churches for small groups and sum it up in the discussion group. God bless and keep know it's ok to do what you feel led to do.
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