Dear CCAS Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I have decided I would like to improve as a writer. I rarely seem to get an opportunity to show my scripts to anyone before they are illustrated, and think they suffer because of that. My stories have gotten extremely mixed reviews, most negative and indifferent, but a few precious favorable ones too.
I'd like to either find people willing to read my scripts and comment and critique in return for my providing the same service to you, or possibly hire an editor. If you are interested in either arrangement, please email me at tempest_raiko@yahoo .com . For editorial services, I can pay up to $50 per story (the scripts aren't very long without the art), though I'd expect you to be experienced:) For a writers group all I need from you is your Christian friendship:)
Thank you for reading this,
Be well and be blessed!
Thank you Nathan, for reading and commenting and critiquing on my story, your encouragement and insights are very, very precious to me, and I plan to do my best with them. I look forward to our daily writing and sketch projects here on CCAS website, and hope it will become a full blown writers/artists circle with Paula and anyone interested, that was such a great idea!
Martin offered to take the editor's position for this story and was truly amazing. I was delighted by his story suggestions and thoughts about how to improve the story, he did so much more than correct the spelling, he really read and reacted to everything I wrote. When something didn't work well, he suggested possible options that could improve the story, and did a great job of making suggestions that were in the spirit and character of what I had written. If God has given any of you the means to hire an editor, I very highly recommend Martin. I know I plan to avail myself to his services in the future!
Ok - Nathan - you learn by doing - so keep at it.
I just helped Gerry with his first script - possibly willing to take on others. Can help with sequencing, story boarding, and editorial.
Hi Paula, a month from now would be fine:) No need to reduce your sketch/storyboarded script to a text form if that's extra work. I usually type my scripts and then sketch them, in a month or so I should have a storyboarded version too:) This is really exciting, I wonder if there is a place where you and Nathan and I can meet online. But email me at any time:)
I'm sketching the rough draft (thumbnails in a possible layout) as I'm writing, so would you want to see that, or should I reverse-engineer and write out a more traditional script from my sketches?
Thank you Nathan, for your encouragement and offer of help:) I will take you up on that when I've bashed this latest script into a readable form:) // Martin, I got your email, and I'm excited about it! I'll be in touch today:)
I sent an email saying I'd be interested in helping you out.