Cornerstone 2010 Summary

Cornerstone is now completed: Wow, that was the first outdoor show I've done in years. Forgot how much that can take out of you with the heat, dust and humidity! Like I had commented earlier in the week, I think this was the closest thing I've ever been a part of that's akin to Woodstock (but without the alcohol or drugs, of course).

Overall the crowds were consistent, (except for last day: Saturday...when many it seems were already starting home for the 4th, including the vendors) . Had a decent amount of sales but more imporantly exposed a huge number of people to Christian based graphic novels for the first time in their lives (you know, the old "I never knew anyone made comics/GN's like this"...kind of thing). It tells me, that as a genre of literature "we" (the editorial we) are not doing a good enough job in educating people that our products exist, for if "we" were more Christian youth (teen to twenty-somethings) would be aware of them. I certainly am not exempting myself from these comments, for I've been out there with Eye Witness since 2004, yet most in this gathering had never heard of the series before. But they sure have now!

I really think the CCAS brainthrust needs to consider doing a group booth at one of these types of events next year. I understand that places like CCI and Wondercon are our mission fields, but with a lot of our properties those who are already Christian can also enjoy them, purchase them and share them with their non-beliveing friends (which is a comment I heard a lot with people buying Eye Witness over the weekend). And with the amount of business I did over the weekend, I'm can say pretty authoritatively that a couple tables put together with all manner of comics, tracts and graphic novels would have went over real big at this show!

I want to thank Scott Shuford for stopping by my booth a couple times over the weekend, while he was enjoying the music and making the rounds!

A final point I want to share, is how refreshing this event was for me! Doing comic conventions can sometimes be a bit of a downer, as many people there will steer clear of your table when they see Christian or spiritual if we're going to yell out, "Repent, you sinner," at them like some street corner prophet. The people here, of all ages, were just so friendly. Even if they did not particularly like what I had to offer at my table they always had a smile on their face and were willing to engage in polite conversation. In fact, I got to hear some wonderful testitmonials over the weekend.

Living in Dallas (in the heart of the Bible Belt) it's sometimes kind of hard to realize the true diverse nature of Christians out there. And this show was a testiment to the fact that it does not matter how you look outwardly, how you dress, what kind of hair-do you sport, whether you have piercings-tats or other body art....the inner love of Jesus overcomes and binds us all!

As I drove away from the campsite on Saturday night for the final time, I felt both a joy (that I felt a bit closer to God through this experience) and a sorrow (that I had to leave this event and the people involved behind and go back to the real world).

But now I'm even more excited to my time at SonShine and Creation Northwest Festivals in July, 'cause I'll have my daughter with me, so I'll be able to mill about a bit more and see some of the bands and hear some of the speakers (which I was unable to do at Cornerstone).

I recommend this experience to you all!

R.J. Luedke

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