We have some exciting news! CCAS has moved to a new and improved version of our platform. Not only is it more powerful and better organized, it is completely responsive (looks great on all devices).
The only issue we are experiencing with this move:
Members who joined after August 22, 2019 WILL NEED TO RE-ENTER THEIR PROFILE QUESTION, ANSWERS. Please accept our sincere apologies for this inconvenience.
We have added a new Profile Question: "Which Category best describes you?"
Categories: Amateur Artist, Professional Artist, Amateur Writer, Professional Writer, Independent Self-Publisher, Traditional Publisher, and Fan.
Please edit your Profile, and select your chosen category. By choosing the category that best describes you, will enable you to add content to the appropriate new modules:
1. Artists: Add photos to the new Arts & Prints Photo Module.
2. Writers: Add your bio information to the new Writers List Module.
3. Publishers: Add your bio information to the new Publishers List Module.
4. Publishers & Writers: Add books to the new Comic Books & Graphic Novels Module.
nice site.
Thanks for the message. I hope to get to know you better, and perhaps help you out with something in the future. My input for the christian comic society is to collaborate on a project with any interested individuals. We obviously have a lot of talent, and various connections with people in the industry. I'm sure we could produce some very high quality ministry materials with comic illustration, graphic design, story, and folks to handle the business side. I would also like to have a place to instant message with an individual or group of individuals on the site. Networking is key, and good communication methods would more easily facilitate this.
I'd like to encourage you as you start - I know its tough to balance work, family, and personal interests. Don't be afraid to tap into us!
Talk with you soon!
thanks for the letter and the quote from C.S. Lewis. It was from Desiring God by John Piper that I read this quote. That's cool man. Yeah, looking forward to getting more familiar with you.
Love your C.S. Lewis quote. I believe I read it in John Piper's Desiring God and it really left an impression.
Happy Thanksgiving! :-) I'll be checking it out for sure!
Beloved in Grace,
Soooooouuuubaaaaa ;P