I'm taking a mini-break from seeking out creators (artists, writers) for interviews, so if interested, shoot me an e-mail at rsquaredcomicz@gmail.com. I'll then send you the interview information, and I ask that you get the information
I pray all is well. I came across these resources that I thought folks may be interested in. The first is a post about putting together quality comic-book trailers for free, and the other is a website specializing in a unique approach
I pray all is well. As I'm progressing with my comic projects and further immersing myself into Christian comics, I've decided to take a more active step in terms of learning from other Christians who either have completed projects,
I pray all is well. I'm looking for someone to design a logo for the comic I am working on, "Lightweightz," and for my company, "R-Squared Comicz." Here's a brief description about each:
I pray all is well. I recently posted some information about the webcomic I'm creating called "Lightweightz," and it's main characters. I would appreciate it if you would take a few minutes to help me out by first learning about the co
Below is a recent e-mail I sent out earlier this week about a couple of recent updates to the comic. I am currently scripting issues for a comic I created called "LightWeightz," and it focuses on 7 teens who discover they have unique a