Below is a recent e-mail I sent out earlier this week about a couple of recent updates to the comic. I am currently scripting issues for a comic I created called "LightWeightz," and it focuses on 7 teens who discover they have unique abilities. These abilities are interpersonal in nature, therefore each ability deals with relating to and/or understanding people in some capacity. "LightWeightz," attempts to answer the question: "What would the world look like if we made more an effort to be more other-centered and love others, just as Christ's teachings commands us to?"
I initially had an artist but he had to recently step back from a project until he finishes (some chapters of) his dissertation. I am now looking for an artist to collaborate with. My goal for this summer is to get some concept sketches for my characters. I'll also continue scripting issues (I've scripted the first issue, and I'm currently outlining the second) this summer. The idea is that by the time I find an artist and I have finalized the concept art for my characters, I will have multiple issues scripted, and ready to hand over to the artist to begin working on.
Since I am in graduate school as well (excited to be working on the beginning stages of my dissertation!), I will initially launch the comic book as a web-comic because it's inexpensive. If you think you may be interested in collaborating with me, given I am on a modest budget, lol, then check out the blog for more information (, and e-mail me at or Take care, sorry for the long message, lol, and God bless!
Previous Message
Hello everyone,
I pray all is well. I wanted to give you some updates regarding my firstcomic book, titled "LightWeightz." The comic centers around 7 teenagerswho discover they have unique abilities. The teens will have to come toterms with these abilities, as well as learn to work together for thecommon good.
The following page contains basic descriptive information for the seventeenagers who will be the focal point of the story:
Check out the page to get a glimpse into each character’s (a)personality, (b) their ability, (c) what they think of their ability,and (d) their views on God. Concept sketches for each character will beadded in the future.
Story Development
The following page contains an overview of the issues 1 & 2 of thecomic:
Check out the page to learn about the title, theme, scripture, and abrief overview of each issue.
Choosing a "LightWeightz" Logo
In my most recent blog post, Help me choose my "LightWeightz" logo, I amasking for your help in helping me choose the type of font I want my"LightWeightz" logo to be in. The primary color(s) may change andadditional designs may be added; however, I first want to choose a fontbefore solidifying the logo. Please visit the blog and vote for which ofthe five fonts you like the best. Each font has dark blue as theprimary color and yellow as the secondary color, so just click on theimage to see how the yellow looks in each font. The voting will last fora month. So around June 15th, the poll will close and I’ll make mychoice.
If you have yet to do so, please take 1 minute (literally, lol!) andcomplete this brief survey regarding your interest in the comic. You cantake the survey by clicking either link:
Stay tuned for more updates, and have a blessed day!
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