Hi, everybody!
I have been considering Revelation ch. 9 and the beast described there: Men with the faces of lions, stingers, etc. I got to thinking of them as men in some sort of combat suit. Has anybody here ever done an illustration based on that verse?
I love that idea, like genetic testing experiments. I was toying with the idea of making a story, maybe a comic, of Revelation all happening literally. A real beast, with horns and all of it, and how to make this feasible. With cloning, and other things it is entirely possible.
The reason I'm asking is that I think that the plagues that humanity will face in the tribulation period are being developed today. In fact, it is a minor plotline in some of the titles I'm trying to develop. Can anybody draw battle armor based on that? (I'm sort of thinking along the lines of something worn by Iron Man or War Machine{?})If so, how much would you charge? Thank you and God Bless.
A long time ago when I read this section, I thought of helicopter like flying machines. Winged battle suits or flying Mechs would work as well.