Ever since the end of the summer and up until now I've been having some intense creativity block.
I don't know if it's because I'm just stressed out and I'm having to focus a lot on college but it makes me sad. I don't want to lose my God-given gift :(
I'm just putting this out there but if anyone has any tips for me on how to overcome this it would be greatly appreciated!
Love, Shae
First of all, remember this, any (and all) gifts granted from our Father are perfect!
God wouldn't give you something "questionable", 'you dig!?!
Don't let stress interfere with your artistic progression..."His grace is sufficient".
In those moments, I slow down, breath...then allow the Holy Spirit
to do his thang! It works, that's why he is "The Great Comforter".
Some of the things I do when there is a creative block is pray, then pray some more, and then when I done...pray. If have you some creative friends, get together with them and brainstorm some ideas. Sometimes looking at the works of artists I admire can inspire me. Get the sketchbook out and have at it. These are some of the things I've done to break through that creative block.
Thank you creative block for the tips! That's what everyone's been telling, "Stress will cause it." I'm in my first year of college, so that's understandable that I'm a little stress. I try to forget about it whenever I'm in "drawing mode" or "writing mode" but its still lingers. I'll pull through. Right now I'm focusing on my film talents a little but so hopefully I'm come on back to art :)
Are you being nice to yourself? Is there a lot of chaos going on? Are you procrastinating and then scrambling to get stuff done?
I'll spend the whole day wanting to get back into my story, but when I've finally got the kids in bed and a few minutes quiet, I feel too fried to concentrate. So my best bet is to live in the moment, go to bed as early as I can, wake up as early as I can, and do creative stuff before the kids have a chance to fry my brain. I'm unfortunately not a morning person, but it still works.
Stress can block creativity absolutely. Whether it's just a winter season for you or a time of trial or testing, don't worry. God, who makes the world green again in the spring will provide you with the creativity and inspiration you need when the time is right. You have the skills to make your dreams and visions into art, stay in practice and know that God is faithful:) // I use music to kick start my creativity. When I'm working on my story I always take time to find music that fits the characters and situations. That way when I'm not feeling the story, I can go back to the music to reignite the feeling. It only works sometimes, but I hope it will help you sometimes:)// Will pray for you today, that God blesses you with inspirations and visions!