A lot of Skillful story telling is updating weekly on the web.
For all of us that are looking for pointers, or just something skillfully different, take a gander at Chris Kozloski's By the Saints. The strip (http://www.hyperfoxstudio.com/index.php) is set in 19th century Scotland's war between the Chambers and the Saints. Its entirely done in pencils but Chris has done so much research into the era and characters that you immediatly fall into the strip like an Lazyboy lounger, and enjoy the Scottish burr and grim battle-wit. Chris recently posted about his Christian Mens group and prayer requests.
Also in black and white is the apocalyptic Endtown , by Arron Neatherly. Fantastic storytelling! Arron knows how to suck readers into characters they love, then confront them with situations and ethical delimas that leave readers on the edge of their seats.
Freefall by Mark Stanley has a seductively simple cartoon style, but with great characters and ethical delimas leave you chuckling and thinking on an almost weekly basis.
Downside: The archives are an addictive timesuck.
Uhm, a note Kozloski's By the Saints; its a totally fictional conflict and not based on a real bit of Scottish history.