Posted by John Karnay on December 16, 2007 at 3:24pm
As a relatively new member of CCAS and have found a lot of great company on here thusfar. I am a freelance author of short fiction including comics. I havehad some previous comic book experience working for Acclaim Comics backin the late 1990's as an editorial assistant/finish up writer. Iactually worked in their video game division as a quality assuranceanalyst but also worked on the comic end of things as well. Acclaim wasa terrific comic company to be involved with. It great roots in Valiantcomics and a lot of talent walking around at the time. I only wish Ihad taken more advantage of my writing during that time. I am lookingfor any opportunities to use my God given gifts of writing andcreativity for living. If any one out there is professional or aspiringartist looking to collaborate on some projects please feel free tocontact me. Thanks and I hope to hear from you all!