Modern Christians 5.25

For once I do another page the very next day after finishing one!

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  • Thanks for the comment, but it's not really true that you need art skills just like the big name comics to get noticed or popular. Plenty of independant comics and graphic novels have simple art styles and yet they have become popular. For example Scott Pilgrim and Persepolis, both graphic novels have simple art that looks easy to draw, but have gotten a lot of praise and even their own movies for their story and characters.


    And one of my favorite Christian webcomics Heaven Forbid ( ) uses very simple art, but it's still stylish to me. but I mainly enjoy it for it's characters and story, just like Scott Pilgrim, Persepolis and other comics with simple art styles.


    And Modern Christians is targeting mainly Christians. Though I do encourage non-believers to read so they understand Christain life and beliefs and to understand us better.

  • Hi bro,

    I can see you're trying to put in good christian value in this comic, I suggest you should go for copy writting and look for a partner who can draw. I enjoy reading this comic, if you're target this comic book for christian it should be working, but if your target audience is reach out to non believer, i don't think they will lay their eye on this comic.

    They will automatically compare your comic with marvel, dark horse and other giant comic publisher, you won't have chance.

    Anyway that is just my oppinion, I might be wrong. Sometime God can use anything to reach out to expand His kingdom. I believe God is a God of unity and family, you can't do things on your own, He always want us to work togehter.

    Plaese don't be offened bro, I just merly give my point view.


    God Bless

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