dan barlow's Posts (4)

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it's been awhile!

My apologies to anyone here that tried to contact me here the last 6 months. will try to stop by more often.
Hope to start on a new christian comic soon. will update when that happens.
take care,
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that ol' college try!

Things at the barlow household are on the usual family rollercoaster . I'm off from classes this quarter so i'm trying to tackle 3 different projects. penciling Joe Endres Collosians book (issue2). Which is interesting because i'm following after someone elses' art style. Keon Transitt is a talented penciler with a cleaner style than mine so i'm sure the inker will get irritated inking my scribbles. Plus there is the personal agenda to not be a weak link on a team effort. No penciller wants to be the guy that lets down the reader, but it's also my first crack at sci-fi. I almost turned down Joe's offer. Glad i did'nt .we'll see.Next is a book called "MR.LOVE" , a out of work cupid who keeps screwing things up. Which is close to completion.After those projects i'll be focusing on the FRANK GUNN book.10 pages of it are done ,but i'm thinking 48 pages would be a good intro story. hope my inker can keep up.I'll post up artwork along the way.But the fun stops in january when i go back to school and the artdesk sits there lifeless, waiting for the next wave.
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talent searches !

i noticed several searches for comic artists going on right now.

for me it's bad timing. yeah marvel sounds great and others as well. i cant chase these things no more. maybe 10 years ago, before god and family.

i've fallen short on motivation. also i have a job that pays the bills, not as fun as drawing , but i'm blessed to support my family. insurance helps.

what i want, is to have a good comic with christian values out there. something to be a message, have purpose, and meaning.

i think everyone here wants that. but if we had to choose between the big boys and a little indy christian comic , what would we turn down?

i've met several professional artist that are christians, but they choose the big boys with dollars in hand, not the struggling indy with a message. they dont have the time for both. i pray that they will one day give the lord their firstfruits. because this industry is doing real damage to society.

i'm not high an mighty , i struggle to get things done. but we have him for strength.

well i gotta hit the hay. nite..

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school time!!

what a busy time, my son goes into the seventh grade daughter started kindergarten last week. now i start college next week.

since this will hamper my art time for comics, i'm trying to finish up several short projects. a couple pages for the megezeen sci-fi issue an a story for panel comics.

my goal is to do a whole book before next summer's conventions roll in. a large task by any means, but who knows what our lord has planned for us , eh? "hey god, can you drop some clues?"

until then i have to put down the pencil an grab a math book, bbbrrrr....math. maybe my son will tutor me.

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