i noticed several searches for comic artists going on right now.
for me it's bad timing. yeah marvel sounds great and others as well. i cant chase these things no more. maybe 10 years ago, before god and family.
i've fallen short on motivation. also i have a job that pays the bills, not as fun as drawing , but i'm blessed to support my family. insurance helps.
what i want, is to have a good comic with christian values out there. something to be a message, have purpose, and meaning.
i think everyone here wants that. but if we had to choose between the big boys and a little indy christian comic , what would we turn down?
i've met several professional artist that are christians, but they choose the big boys with dollars in hand, not the struggling indy with a message. they dont have the time for both. i pray that they will one day give the lord their firstfruits. because this industry is doing real damage to society.
i'm not high an mighty , i struggle to get things done. but we have him for strength.
well i gotta hit the hay. nite..