I've been mulling over possible imprint names to unite all my various independent stories under one brand name. Would love to hear any thoughts on the various ones I have so far. They are:
- Otherwhere
- Hangar 19 (the idea being you think you know what's in Hangar 18, but you have no idea what's next door to it in Hangar 19)
- Front Porch Entertainment
- Hyperion Entertainment (after both the epic poem by John Keats and my all-time favorite novel, Hyperion, by Dan Simmons which achieves a level of quality and imagination I could only hope to attain in my own fiction)
- Perpetual Motion
- Sons of Thunder
- Complete Geek Entertainment
- SDG Entertainment (this comes from Soli Deo Gloria, which basically means "for glory to God alone" and was used by past artists, e.g. Bach and Handel, to give God credit for their work)
You see that some of these have "Entertainment" at the end, and some have nothing (any of them could end in "Entertainment" or "Productions, but not "Comics" since it will cover all my fiction, including novels and short stories). The idea is it would be an imprint name like Robert Kirkman's "Skybound," DC's "Vertigo," or Marc Silvestri's "Top Cow Productions."
I've narrowed down from a ton of possibilities and these are a few remaining. Thanks for any thoughts any of you have.