Illustrator/Painter or Manga Studio. No guarantees at this time but I may be in need of someone who is relatively quick and good. You must know what you are doing. Beginners need not apply.
A question has been brooding in my mind for a few weeks now and once again I am bringing my quandry to this fellowship for some guidance. My work demands have drastically changed and it has been over a week since I've been able to touch my book. With
I need a new drawing of me to go with my editorial in this fall's issue of Lamp Post's TONED Anthology. And I'm looking at my facebook friends to supply it!
Other than Deviant Art what other website can I post my artwork? I tried Deviant Art but it seems too complicated. Too many contracts to read then they wanted to do something so you could sell artwork or put it on a mug or something. I just want to
Shelby loves to read and aspires to write professionally. Last year she told us that she was going to write a novel. Our reply was “OK, if you finish this novel, we will make sure it gets published!” Well, she finished it and I must say th
My question is: As people of faith and as artists wanting to learn more about the art, is it okay to take life drawing courses (IE: Drawing naked people). Is it one of those "don't cause a brother to stumble" or "if it's not something that temps you,
Searching for like-minded Christians who want to use their art to change the world as God has called us to I came upon this site. As a leader of the Visual Arts Ministry at the Columbus Vineyard in Columbus, OH I am always looking for professionals i
Hello everyone. I'm currently knee deep in a 2+year project creating a graphic novel adapted from the harmony of the Gospels. The end result is a 220 page comic version of the life of Christ that I want to use as a ministering tool to youth who might
David C. Cook's new Action Bible, with art by Sergio Cariello, is out now. I got my autographed copy today and it looks awesome. Sergio's art is fantastic! I hope it's ok to plug this here. I know Sergio really worked hard on this over the last sever
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Back in 1977, Brother Andrew (author of God's Smuggler and founder of Open Doors International) published a saddlestitched comic book entitled MARX, LENIN, MAO, & CHRIST, a 33 page story illustrated by the Redondo Studio and with a painted wraparound
Thanks for taking time to look over my work. This is a just a piece I finish up earlier today. The first is the pencils, and the second I imported the same image to photoshop, did a black layer overlay to darken the lines. Sort of an ink job if you
I'm about to launch a web comic. The site's not done yet, but the first page/cover will be up on and I'd love to see you there. Will post updates as soon as the website's up and we'll be l
This is my first time ever posting my artwork. I'm normally hesitant to do that type of stuff but I guess it's time for me to break out of my shell. Enjoy.. I hope. Oh yeah....I LOVE COMICS!!!! I rap too but my first love is comics. Chris