MARX, LENIN, MAO, & CHRIST graphic novel

Back in 1977, Brother Andrew (author of God's Smuggler and founder of Open Doors International) published a saddlestitched comic book entitled MARX, LENIN, MAO, & CHRIST, a 33 page story illustrated by the Redondo Studio and with a painted wraparound cover by Nestor Redondo, foremost comics artist of the Philippines.  With Open Doors' permission, I have reprinted this story as the latest volume from Calvary Comics.  The original comic had some terrible, often off-register (four color) coloring, whereas I have cleaned these files up considerably, and have them in black-and-white in the new volume (except for the covers which are in color).  The results are much more legible than the original, in my estimation, and I have expanded the book to 48 pages (to fit the graphic novella format) with some very relevant single panel cartoons (all in public domain) from the 1920s-40s dealing with the theme of the Gospel vs. Communism by E. J. Pace, F. W. Alden, U. S. Abell, and Jack Hamm. 


Previews of the book can be seen here:


The U.S., is making a rapid shift towards socialism and even the political powers of the former Soviet Union are shaking their heads, saying, "We've been down that road."  Only Christ is the answer, not socialism or democracy, as this book strongly asserts, originally published for believers (and heathen) in late '70s "iron curtain" and "bamboo curtain" countries.  It is chillingly relevant for the western world today, something Brother Andrew didn't likely expect in its original printing. 


Kind regards in Christ Jesus,


Alec Stevens


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  • Towards the end of his life, Mao stopped bathing and brushing his teeth (this isn't mentioned in the book, though). His body stank terribly, and his teeth bore signs of rapid decay. When asked why he didn't take care of his personal hygiene he remarked, "Does a tiger brush his teeth?" Like many deluded with power, he believed he was something he was not. Very sad. He started out as a very sensitive and intelligent young man who genuinely wanted to improve conditions for his fellow countrymen.
  • Thanks. Interesting about the fellow in China.
  • One nonbeliever who purchased MARX, LENIN, MAO, & CHRIST is a gentleman from mainland China who grew up well acquainted with the Maoist regime. He read the book in its entirety, and though he did not agree that Christ is the answer or that the other systems are, at best, diabolical parodies of God's perfect plan, he felt that the quotes and depictions of Mao Tse-Tung (also spelled Mao Zedong) and his actions were accurate. He has purchased my other books as well, and I pray that God will open his eyes to the Gospel truth.
  • Cool, seems interesting...
  • I'll send it out tomorrow, Martin, with the other orders. Thanks for your interest!

  • And bought.

    Absolutely love Nestor Redondo's stuff.
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