Westboro Baptist Church hates "nerds" too.

And heres what the church has to say about the San Diego comic con on their schedule, where they plan to protest July 22 from 1:15pm to 2:00pm on their website:

"San Diego Convention Center 111 W Harbor Dr. WBC to picket Comic Con 2010 at the San Diego Convention Center. Are you kidding?! If these people would spend even some of the energy that they spend on these comic books, reading the Bible, well no high hopes here. They have turned comic book characters into idols, and worship them they do! Isaiah 2:8 Their land also is full of idols; they worship the work of their own hands, that which their own fingers have made: 9 And the mean man boweth down, and the great man humbleth himself: therefore forgive them not. It is time to put away the silly vanities and turn to God like you mean it. The destruction of this nation is imminent - so start calling on Batman and Superman now, see if they can pull you from the mess that you have created with all your silly idolatry."

If any of you plan to go to the San Diego comic con on the 22nd, expect to see some of them there. Is it possible to show the protestors the truth? Or best to just leave them alone??


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  • Guess I'm going to hell because I really like Superman. In fact, I'll probably dress up as Clark Kent for Halloween. Guess I'm doomed.

    Thanks Westboro!
  • In an interview, one of the girls at Westboro said she played Mario...


    There's that.

    R Jay McCarty said:
    This is largely the same group that thinks rock music , R movies, Video games, and art is the Devil's work. I would venture to say that McDonalds does more to rot your brain than all these things put together. Your souI isn't at risk if you like Batman. And who would call on Batman to save them? Are they preeching to the mentally ill. Huh... Maybe they WOULD make sense to the mentally ill.

    haven't been able to find anything that really gets through to these guys, but it does make it even more important for those who disagree with this method to speak out. How much damage are they going to do to the name of Christianity before they change their tune. This is the best way to keep people out of the church that I can think of.

    -- R Jay
  • Ralph Ellis Miley said:
    Becuase the CCAS has presented a different perspective of Christianity, by God's grace, we've had a positive impact. As Kevin mentioned, a person went to one of our neighbors across the aisle and said, "How can you stand being across from THEM!" She responded by saying "What do you mean?" "You know, THEM!" She said, "They're really cool." They said, "They start out small, next thing you know, they're trying to convert you." Those same neighbors across the aisle, one was planning to leave that Sunday afternoon before the convention closed. I appraoched them, asking them would they mind if I prayed for their safety. They were very receptive to the prayer and that was an open door for the Holy Spirit to move on their hearts.

    I'm glad--after reading some of the comments over the web, which were pretty harsh, I was doing some serious praying for your table over the weekend!
  • Kevin Yong said:
    We actually had a couple people who told us they came to our Christian-themed panels at the convention because they had seen the angry protesters earlier and wanted to see if all us Christians at the convention were just more of the same or if we were offering a different perspective. So yes, the protesters did set up an image in people's minds, but by God's grace I think we were able to offer an effective counter example.

    Wow, awesome that an off-putting example brought people to a panel that they wouldn't otherwise attend.... and that God's love was able to shine more clearly through the contrast! (if that makes sense--I haven't had all my coffee this morning!)
  • Becuase the CCAS has presented a different perspective of Christianity, by God's grace, we've had a positive impact. As Kevin mentioned, a person went to one of our neighbors across the aisle and said, "How can you stand being across from THEM!" She responded by saying "What do you mean?" "You know, THEM!" She said, "They're really cool." They said, "They start out small, next thing you know, they're trying to convert you." Those same neighbors across the aisle, one was planning to leave that Sunday afternoon before the convention closed. I appraoched them, asking them would they mind if I prayed for their safety. They were very receptive to the prayer and that was an open door for the Holy Spirit to move on their hearts.

    Anne Langston said:
    I've actually had the experience of being at an event that Mr. Phelps' group picketed. It was a city festival, and I've never been quite sure why they picked this particular event. But, based on the "fruits" I saw during that experience, I'd agree that they are a divisive cult. Mostly, they shouted epithats (sp?) and said God hated us. And they make it very hard for the Christians already at an event, because they whip up so much hostility and anger, then leave. Which brings me to what I was wondering-- did their presence have any affect on people's reaction to CCAS? Did anyone mention it?
  • Anne Langston said:
    And they make it very hard for the Christians already at an event, because they whip up so much hostility and anger, then leave. Which brings me to what I was wondering-- did their presence have any affect on people's reaction to CCAS? Did anyone mention it?

    We actually had a couple people who told us they came to our Christian-themed panels at the convention because they had seen the angry protesters earlier and wanted to see if all us Christians at the convention were just more of the same or if we were offering a different perspective. So yes, the protesters did set up an image in people's minds, but by God's grace I think we were able to offer an effective counter example.

    We also did our best to show love and kindness to our neighbors in the small press aisle. The result was that if someone did make a rare complaint about how awful it was that "those Christians" had a table at the convention, our neighboring non-religious exhibitors would actually defend us and praise how friendly and helpful we were. I praise the Lord for that, and pray that the seeds planted may eventually bear a harvest.
  • I've actually had the experience of being at an event that Mr. Phelps' group picketed. It was a city festival, and I've never been quite sure why they picked this particular event. But, based on the "fruits" I saw during that experience, I'd agree that they are a divisive cult. Mostly, they shouted epithats (sp?) and said God hated us. And they make it very hard for the Christians already at an event, because they whip up so much hostility and anger, then leave. Which brings me to what I was wondering-- did their presence have any affect on people's reaction to CCAS? Did anyone mention it?
  • ComicCon has been around for over 40 years, the Wesboro group was out there for 45 miuntes. The CCAS has had a table there for 15 years. They hand out salvation tracts, Bibles, they pray for the people, and answer their questions about Christianity. Which do you think is the most effective? I don't mind the fact that they protested, but if you're going to protest, show some fortitude. Only 45 minutes? It was like a driveby protest with only about 5-6 people.
  • They're entirely right about how some people idolize comic book characters. I mean anyone who buys tickets to go across the country to join fat 30 year olds wearing Wolverian costumes is wasting a lot of money and time when you think about it. I would say the mentality, spirit, and overall basis for Comic Con is about as God-centered as Mardi Gras in New Orleans.

    Nobody considers Comic Con something you do to pass a weekend anymore. It is something different now. And good for Westboro for picketing against it.
  • I don't get it. When has protesting outside and calling people heathen idol worshippers and sinners ever caused people to change the ir hearts to Jesus. If I was an athiest or unbeliever, the protesters would be the LAST people I'd ever want to believe or join.

    This church needs to see that the only way to reach people with the gospel, is to actually talk to others in a non-judgemental way, and yet give the truth in love, not harrassing and being a jerk.
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