The Avengers

   Okay, I've kind of written off all these super-hero movies.

   I was totally underwhelmed by both "Iron Man" flicks.

   I hated "Captain America".

   "X-Men: First Class" was horrendous. 

   Because of this I never saw "Thor", and have no desire to.

   And although I loved Spider-Man 1 and 2, I never saw 3, but the fact that they are rebooting the whole thing with the new Spider-Man sickens me.

   But, I happened to watch the new trailer to "The Avengers", and I said to myself, "okay, I'll give it one more try".

   Looks pretty good, but my hopes aren't high. Maybe not worth a theater ticket, but worth popping on the ol' Netflix queue.

   We'll see.


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  • Looks like marvel's got something of a crossover going on over here.

  • @Alika good take on Walters as a judge. I still have to go with the She Hulk angle. (I dont think that character got the props it deserved and was passed around as a second rate supporting role in most comics.) I do really like the idea of Loki tricking the team into joining. I think your idea is far better than the present film.

    As for the cross overs with the X-Men... all I can say is LAWYERS! I love um and hate um! I deal with um on a daily basis and they drive me crazy! NOW THEY HAVE INVADED MY SECRET NERDY FANTASY COMIC LIFE TOO! AAAHGGG! (is nothing sacred anymore?) :)

  • @Maffett have Jennifer Walters just as a judge advocate for shield to the us government, as a cameo to defend shields operations of sorts not as she-hulk.

    I would have Loki Assemble the team, the reasons why each member decided to join the team is illogical, made no sense. But if Loki tricked each one into joining for their own personal reasons, it'd grow each character showing a flaw and then them being able to overcome those personal problems on top of them stopping Loki's master plan. Loki's motivation to convincing the team to assemble would be to show he is smarter than them and so that he could in the end destroy them. Build them up just to break them down, and because he needed to open the portal for the invasion wave.

    Marvel Studios under Disney do not own the movie rights to any mutants in the Marvel Universe they are owned by Fox Studios so they can't have them or any of their villains in their movies. Same goes for Adamantium it's owned by Fox, so you won't see any Fantastic Four(owned by Fox) and their villains, or Spiderman(owned by Sony) and his villains in any Marvel Studios Movies. But Marvel Studios do own the rights to Ant-Man, Wasp, Dr.Strange, Heroes for Hire and Black Panther w/ all their villains, so they can and will be integrated into future Avenger crossovers.

  • oh i forgot about the cube. This gives Loki the energy to control the Hulk.

    and why do the avengers need to get together to stop the Hulk? A few of the members tried on their own and got their superhero hinnie handed back to them on a platter.

  • The following is lengthy but please read it.

    @Alika the video review was on the mark. I would say it was transformers w/o the transformers. I think the alien race trying to take over the earth genre is OVERPLAYED. Here is my pitch, Loki being bored, unstable, and vengeful plays on Dr. Banners bruised emotional state. The Hulk has done something pretty despicable but never really mentioned in the plot but in it his cousin Jennifer Walters is seriously injured. Banner helps her out with a blood transfusion, drops her off at a local hospital and flees. SHIELD gets interviews Jennifer trying to get info on the Hulk. During the interview she gets ticked changes to She Hulk but is able to be chased down subdued and taken prisoner and injured again in the process. Banner sees what he has done to his cousin, is even more angered at himself and with SHIELD for happened. Loki (through trickery and indirect contact) influences Banner to give into his hurt thus leading to anger and the Hulk goes on a north american rampage tour.Thus the Avengers have to assemble to stop him. All out combat ensues, funny jokes, one liners. As Jennifer (quickly) recovers she finds that she can control her She Hulk persona. SHIELD recruits her as an Avenger and uses her to track down the Hulk. More one liners, all out combat, character development, maybe a love triangle with black widow, hawkeye and Capt America, another story twist (increasing mutant activity in the world causes distrust of super powered folks) . Hulk captured, and placed in a adamandium & palladium cell. SHIELD wonders what to do with him.  Capt and Iron Man get into it about the Hulk and their views spill over into the mutant issue. Both angry at each other leave SHIELD HQ in a huff leaving Fury and Walters to deal with the Hulk issue on their own.  credits roll, after 5 min of credits lead into Fury leading SHIELD to Wakanda to get vibranium to reinforce the Hulks cells and speaking with the King of Wakanda. This sets the pace for multiple movies (avengers vs X-men), video games, short films etc.

    ...I wrote this tryst in about 15 mins and got paid $0! but a Hollywood screen writer can get paid triple digits for the generic crap I paid $25 bucks for me and my wife to see. (BOOO!). I think my short tryst supremely trumps the "aliens invade earth" genre that the avengers took. I also think that fans would have greatly appreciated this take, while drawing in new fans also. 

  • This guy pretty much summed it up on what i thought of this movie.

  • "The Mission" with Robert DeNiro is one of my favorite films, and in my humble opinion, is one of the most powerful Christian films ever made. (Though not a "Christian" film technically.)

    Never before have I seen such a portrayal of sin, repentance, and redemption on the screen. And the film NEVER resorts to preaching (as unfortunately most Christian films do).

    The characters are real, and they wrestle with weighty issues. And each character is convinced in his mind that he has chosen God's way, even though the paths they take are on opposite ends. ...A truly fantastic film.

    "Bella" is another fantastic film that is just soaked in Christian virtue, but never resorts to preaching. (Again, not a "Christian" film.)

    "The Blind Side" is another good one. Solid "Christian" message.

    Another surprisingly good film that I hesitantly recommend is "Gran Torino" with Clint Eastwood. Here is an anti-hero who finds the ultimate purpose for his life. 

    Eastwood's character is great- completely foul, but great. Very real. (Hey, sometimes people are foul, what can I say?)

    It is NOT a Christian film. The language is ATROCIOUS. There are more F-bombs, and racial slurs than one could count, but the film does have a strangely big heart. And I was surprised to find that that heart is one that is the very core of our Christian beliefs... sacrifice. (And redemption.)

    So, there are some good films coming out, and some GREAT and REAL characters being written, but they are few and far in-between.

  • yeah... you are that old guy... (lol). 

    But on a more serious vibe. I think that christian comics should take a more mature and realistic take on characters. Giving them depth, spirituality, morality or in vivid contrast characters lacking these traits but both character types come to the understanding that  being blessed with greatness that they have can only be used effectively or with purpose when submitted to God. Those characters would find that they can do extraordinary things but selfish acts would leave them feeling unfulfilled. In search of completeness the hero (or anti-hero) would find that he needs salvation to become who destiny calls him to be. Hollywood would never consider a movie like that.

  •    What the writers also seem to love doing is "remake" the personas of the characters.

       They take Tony Stark and they make him Robert Downey Jr.- snarky, irreverent, etc. 

       That character of Downey's isn't a bad one, he's even likable, but he's not Tony Stark as I knew him from the pages I so loved as a kid. That Stark was more serious minded, even brooding.

       Now, it's true that that may not make for a movie that is so funny or fun, but it could make for a much more powerful, character driven story.

       So, I think writers try to make all these characters that were written and invented in the 50's-70's hip and happening, and so make them into variations of the irreverent, shallow, sarcastic, immature, over-sexed modern character types that permeate films today.

       I have been feeling more and more that I am becoming seriously out of date with modern popular culture. I can't relate to it. ...I read classics more and more. (Been working on the unabridged "Don Quixote" for a while now. Sheesh!) I watch classic films more and more. (Currently on a James Cagney / Humphrey Bogart kick.) I even listen to older music- preferring Cab Calloway, Johnny Cash, or even Peter Frampton to most of what passes for music today.

       Wow... I'm fast becoming that old guy in the natty sweater yelling at the neighborhood kids to get off his front lawn.

  • I think what would be best is if Marvel (and LucaseFilm) had a group of fans create the Movie Universe stories. Then only people could be blamed was the fans themselves. It seems that the writers take short stories  and plot that were generically created and add them to the established characters.

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