Hey all...
I'm wondering if you can give me a hand... I'm looking for new "places" to basically market my strip, From Nothing.
I've been looking for blogs, or sites that basically cater to Christians and/or conservatives who are interested in pop culture, apologetics, or music.
Generally, I'm looking for something not stiff, but not hip either. In essence, I'm trying to find other Christians much like myself, like-minded folks who might possibly dig my strips.
If you know of any blogs or sites can you pass along a link?
Deviant Art is a massive conglomerate with a lot of contributing groups, some of them Christian. I've always told myself that when I had enough buffer in my strip, I would knock on some doors of groups I liked the look of. Your strip is pretty darn polished, and each strip stands on its own instead of being part of a story which makes it easier to market. I'd think that online Christian mags would pay top dollar for your material.
I don't get much traffic but I'll link to it from my site. Email me what you're looking to do and I'll see if I can put something up. I'm not a web guru or anything I just muddle around on a wordpress site and have fun with it.