Interested in Being Interviewed?

Hello everyone,

I pray all is well. As I'm progressing with my comic projects and further immersing myself into Christian comics, I've decided to take a more active step in terms of learning from other Christians who either have completed projects, or are working to complete their first project. What I decided to do was dedicate a segment of my blog to highlighting and interviewing other Christian comic creators (writers and/or artists). I already that the first couple of interviews lined up, but I'm looking to conduct others.


These interviews will serve as encouragement for other Christians who are considering making comics (as well as those like myself who have made the decision and are trying to learn the ropes). Furthermore, the interviews will help expose more people to Christian comics or Christian-themed comics.  If you're interested, check out the information below, and let me know when you can give me the information. There's no deadline or anything, so no rush.


All responses should be e-mailed to me at with "Interview Information" as the subject. Take care and God bless!

What You Should Send Me...
(1) Brief bio
(2) Responses to whatever questions you choose to answer
(3) Any images (jpegs) or links you want me to include alongside your interview (e.g., personal pic, pictures of comic/book covers, pin-ups, logos, etc.).

Short bio about who are you and what you do.

Interview Questions
When did you first get into comics as a reader/fan? As a writer/artists/creator?

Why comics? What do you like most about this medium?

Say a little about the project(s) you have worked on in the past (if any), and what they were about?

What project(s) are you currently working on?

What format(s) do you prefer for telling your stories (e.g., on-going series, mini-series, one-shot, graphic novel, etc.) and why?

What sources of information and inspiration have helped you along the way?
Say a little about how you’ve been able to communicate your faith through your project(s)? What has that process been like? How has it evolved over the years?

What advice would you give to other Christians who are considering making comics?

Are there any future projects you are working on, or would like to work on?

What is your take on the current state of Christian or Christian-themed comics? What, if anything, would you like to see more of in the future? What, if anything, would you like to see done differently?

What is the best way for people to contact you, and to read/purchase your work?

Any last thoughts?

Thank you taking the time to do this, and I’m praying for all the best in your endeavors!


Justin Martin
R-Squared Comicz
Copyright 2010. All Rights Reserved

You need to be a member of CCAS - Christian Comic Arts Society to add comments!

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Email me when people reply –


  • No prob, and thank you!

    Daniel Conner said:

    i'll definitely get this info to you after my schedule clears up a bit.


    thanks, man!

    Interested in Being Interviewed?
    Hello everyone, I pray all is well. As I'm progressing with my comic projects and further immersing myself into Christian comics, I've decided to ta…
  • i'll definitely get this info to you after my schedule clears up a bit.


    thanks, man!

  • Oh, and you have to Oh, and you have to talk a lot about Ragged Capes, since I love that comic so much, lol!

    Kevin Yong said:
    Justin, this is a great idea. I'll be glad to participate; Lord willing, I'll be able to follow up with you via email in a few weeks once I figure out my summer work schedule.
    Interested in Being Interviewed?
    Hello everyone, I pray all is well. As I'm progressing with my comic projects and further immersing myself into Christian comics, I've decided to ta…
  • That's great! And take your time, I know you're busy....If you need me to remind you in a couple weeks, let me know.
  • Justin, this is a great idea. I'll be glad to participate; Lord willing, I'll be able to follow up with you via email in a few weeks once I figure out my summer work schedule.
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