I'm back on track.

Okay... so here's the history...

Years ago (almost 20, in fact) I came up with this idea for a strip that would allow me to express my thoughts in a quick, at-a-glance type of way. That strip idea has resurfaced over the years, but only just recently have I been serious about launching it as a web comic.

So, as is my tendency, I start with grand plans. I played with various styles, and methods, and I even redrew the same gag numerous times in different styles to see what I liked. But it all came to naught, as I quickly became discouraged both with the final result, and the time it took to draw each strip.

The major creative bane of my existence is the lack of time. Working a full time gig, and being a husband and dad leaves precious little time to be creative. (Can I get an "AMEN!") ...The last thing I wanted to do at the end of a busy day was draw. (Considering that I draw for a living.)

Plus, I found that sitting at a drafting table at home was really a test of the will. I wish I could watch a show with my wife, or hang with the kids, but no, if I was to do these strips, I had to be chained to the table. Alone.

So, I put the whole idea away. I was burned out and discouraged. I literally packed it all up, and stuck it in the garage.

But as the months passed I had a few revelations which I will not bore you with here, but one in particular started the juices going in a major way...

One of the things I LOVE doing is sketching. Just doodling away wherever I happen to be- waiting for a train, in the backyard, or just in front of the tube watching Colombo or Barney Miller reruns.

I decided that I would put the digital media away, and draw these strips wherever I went. I rigged up a little carrying folder out of tape, masonite board, and illustartion board (held shut by a couple o' alligator clips), and I began drawing where I was- on the train, in the station, during lunch, on the couch- and it was great! I actually enjoyed myself, and I was engaged in my little strip... something that hasn't happened in a while.

To be honest, all the prep work was done digitally. But I kept it loose and quick. A few rough sketches scanned into a strip template, and printed out to size. Then I slip the print under a sheet of drawing paper, and quickly indicate things with a lightbox, but after that it's all on the go! Just me and a ballpoint pen. No rulers. All type by hand.

It was good fun! Here is my first strip...


I quickly colored it in PhotoShop, keeping it monotone because my sense of color stinks on ice.

I am very please with the process, and surprisingly pleased with the result. It has a real hand-done feel to it, something that always irked me about the digital look.

So... I just thought I'd share. I'm working on my second strip, and I've got about 50 more waiting for me.

Oh, one more thing... another revelation I had was about the timing. I realized that I don't have to produce these on any sort of deadline, because quite simply, no one is asking for them. They will be done when they are done, and I will unveil them when I want to unveil the. Who needs the pressure of deadlines on top of all the other deadlines life forces on us? ...This was remarkably liberating.

So, I'm back in the groove. I've got my drawing folder with me (always) and I'm scribbling away whenever I get a minute or two!

Lemme know your thoughts!


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  • O.o  Whoa!  Nicely done!  Your panel timing is spot on!  :D

  • I thought this was pretty funny

    James 2:9 - 9But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors.

  • @steve so very true. The power of our heavenly father is the only way to heal this issue. Hence I used the term "nearly". I have seen in my few years how porn (and sexual depravity/dysfunction) have become a cancer in the body of Christ. This weapon is so lethal because it is a sin against ones body, marriage, and soul. It is everywhere we look (comics, tv, magazines, movies, people in our day to day lives). Satan uses people (sometimes unknowingly) as pawns in this dark chess game. I asked God recently what is the best advice to give people who have overcome but face temptation from time to time. He replied, "Love them and tell them to love me. Looks at others (who are not your spouse) as your siblings in Christ. Respect them and their bodies as Holy temples...even if they dont have the will to respect themselves. Above all be in continual prayer for them and you so that your will can submit and match Mine."

  • "...Porn creates a cycle of destruction that is nearly impossible to fix."

    Outside of the Lord.

  • @Alika (lol) the XXX title normally gets folks. When I saw it I was like, whao...this is gonna be interesting.  its a catchy title. The ministry is to help free people from the bondage that pornography has placed on people. It is the elephant in the closet that most pastors can preach on but never address the reality of how bad it is in the body of Christ. Through this powerful ministry I learned how EVERYBODY involved is spiritually affected. Check out the website. The founders Mike Foster and Craig Gross go boldly into the face of Satan's most effective and diabolical weapon against Gods people (sexual dysfunction). If you can check out Porn and Pancakes it is a life changer. I took my son and we gained a whole new perspective on how Porn creates a cycle of destruction that is nearly impossible to fix.

  • tight work my man looks like you found a niche that works for you. My friend once told me  to forget about drawing when you have time, just keep a sketch pad with you and do it on the go.  We artist tend to get inspired when we are just having fun doodling.  Not drawing on purpose.  I still disagree with him even though I know he's right. LOL.

    I love how you did the 3rd panel. Coloring and the effect on porn.

  • @Maffett why is your church hosting a triple x event?

  • I hate when that happens too. I keep prayed up and remind myself what I took home in my spirit when I went to the XXX church event that my church hosted. 

  • Good job man happy to hear it, looking forward to seeing more of your stuff.

  • Great to hear brother.  I understand the challenges of wanting to pursue something, but priorities of family, work would be compromised.  I was so glad to hear you found a way to pursue it without compromise and in a way that works great for you.

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