
  • @Lee wasn't it..?

    3884335875?profile=original... no I'd go further back than that.

    1898 USS Maine, blown-up by U.S. Government, then blamed on Spain leading into the Spanish-American War resulting close to 10,000 people dead, 379 being americans.

  • If they can pull of a conspiracy like this, how tough could Breitbart's death have been?

  • Michael A. Cormier was a Forensic Technician and a Photographer, so he specialized in collecting and analyzing physical evidence related to the commission of crimes for the L.A. coroner’s office. The people saying he had nothing to do w/ the case is the LAPD, not the L.A. coroner's office; we know the LAPD's not corrupt.

  • What does everyone think of the breitbart death? Then the coroners death by arsenic poisoning, and the only witness to the collapse now gone missing? Pretty convinced it's an inside job.

  •    I agree with every word, Buzz. 

       And while that holds true for writers- that their own views will be evident in their work- getting those works published is an entirely different matter.

       If you have an editor, or publisher that holds to certain views or worldview then they are likely to publish stories that fall in line with that view or worldview. ...Meaning they will NOT publish those that are out of sync with them.

       I have read many a tale of reporters being told not to cover certain stories because it goes against a news agency's unofficial editorial worldview, or actors being denied parts because they adhere to certain political views. (You can be a Hugo Chavez hugging, communist/Marxist loving actor and get some suh-weet, million dollar roles in blockbuster films... but if are openly conservative, Christian, and/or Republican, well... good luck.)

       So, while I think creatively it is a mistake to set out to right conservative stories with a message, I think it is great to create a company that openly welcomes conservative writers to come tell their stories, whatever they may be.

       But... we'll see.

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