
  • I'm more in line with this line of thinking

    Ian Buchanan said:

    I think its less about Political correctness and more about adopting a model of moral relativism in storytelling in general. Which is a double edged issue I think. Sure it adds more depth to antagonists and makes protagonists more "real" but it also blurs the moral line and makes it harder for readers to disern what is a morally just action. Politically more comics are moving to the American left, so if this effects you then thats something to consider. As a left wing Scotsman I think both left and right wing American politics is crazy anyway so its just another layer of fantasy to me lol.


    Comics of the 21st century.
    I heard comic books nowadays are becoming less good versus evil, and more politically correct. My question is: How sensible is this in todays comics,…
  • I think its less about Political correctness and more about adopting a model of moral relativism in storytelling in general. Which is a double edged issue I think. Sure it adds more depth to antagonists and makes protagonists more "real" but it also blurs the moral line and makes it harder for readers to disern what is a morally just action. Politically more comics are moving to the American left, so if this effects you then thats something to consider. As a left wing Scotsman I think both left and right wing American politics is crazy anyway so its just another layer of fantasy to me lol.


  • Marvel comics has been bought by Disney. Disney has a none Christian agenda. They buy up anything that has to do with kids and popular media. Then force their magic and sorcery ideals down our throats.  

  • I usually have to be more cautious when i select a comic. Marvel doesnt have as much quirks with recent issues, but i still have to be more alert. I usually check the ratings before i dive in. 

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