Tattooing has allowed it ’s artists to go from being backroom Picassos to MTV celebrities.But is this art form for the Christian Visual artist?I bounced this off of our "Art Lessons from God!" Online Community to see what the thoughts were about the subject >>

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      • A tattoo on the forehead, or any part of the face, and you have to wonder if this person is willingly telling the world: yes, I never want to hold an office job again.

        Anyhow, I knew of a person at a past church who grafted their skin with ink prior to their conversion, and they kept the tattoos following conversion deliberately as a conversation starter, so when people ask about the meaning they can segue the discussion into their testimony.

        I've got a couple dents and pockmarks on my forehead, but sadly these don't serve as much of a conversation starter... :)
        • .
          "I never want to hold an office job."

          I don't blame you.

          Radio voice actor?
  • .

    "But is this art form for the Christian Visual artist?"

    What next? A discussion of whether being a hog butcher or selling bacon is a godly way to make a living?

    As for me and my house, I LOVE bacon. I say, "Praise JESUS for bacon!"

    Why is he talking about bacon, dear?

    Oh, it's deep. Very deep.

    Next up: Why Christian Rock and Roll is an Oxymoron, Since the Drum Rhythms' African Origins were used to Summon Demons.


    • amen!
  • This is one of those hot topics that confuses me. The only mention (that I can recall) of tattoos being 'un-Christian' are Old Testament mentionings to 'not be like the pagans'. We now live under the New Testament. A wonderful and simplified relationship with Christ Jesus who loved people that no one else would dare love. He approached lepers, blind, prostitutes, gentiles, and *gasp* tax collectors all equally in love and compassion. If we are to call ourselves Christians, then perhaps we should follow through with the meaning of that label and act more like Christ. I have friends who are both bikers and have tattoos. I even designed some of them for them, but guess what? Their bike club is evangelistic and so are their tattoos. They are some of the most driven and devoted Christians I know.
    The bottom line is that people judge and that's ok. It's human nature to look at someone and think they are less than you. I don't condone this activity, but if you are honest, people do it all the time. As Christians we are to rail against this temptation of judgemental elitism. No one is 'less' because of how they look or dress. No one is 'less' because of a possible sin problem because we all sin. Those 'christians' out there that think they are somehow 'more' than anyone for any reason need to seriously take another inward look before their next communion. *sigh* /rant.
  • If the character got it before he got saved ? I guess what I mean to say is he or she wasn't born saved were they. Besides , He or she can always get it removed.
    • I agree with Christiana. Everyone has their own convictions on it.
  • I honestly don't believe that there is anything wrong with tattooing, though if you keep your wits about you and use your head and not plaster something on there that would be degrading to yourself and to Christ- I honestly see no issue, though if you have conviction (not guilt) about it, then the Lord through the holy spirit is trying to tell you something is wrong and not to do it.
  • God is in love with what is inside of you. Sure, there is the whole "body is a temple" deal and you should keep it clean and looking nice. But, for example I have seen some pretty run down, rough looking churches that have some amazing things going on inside. People are alive in Christ. Your body should be the same. God is not worried about your appearance, it is what you do with yourself, your actions, and how you relate to others. I am 32 and have been a Christian since I was 9 years old. I currently have two half sleeves of tattoos that depict my life story and walk with God. They have been a great tool for explaining God to people. Especially to those who would normally not be interested. Sure, tattoos aren't for everyone and many christians are very turned off by them. I have had lot's of christians at church and in public give me the "evil eye". But, I never set out to upset people. I only wanted to express my joy for being a christian and what it means to me. To always carry the events from my life with me and be able to share them with others visually. But, again, they are not for everyone and I think that is okay.
  • I think the problem you may find here is that Christians and tattoos don't really mix well with each other. I mean, you can always say that tattooing is an art, but that's not the issue that Christians have with them. It's that tattoos go on the skin of the human body, something generally considered sacred and holy. It is almost like spray painting a temple, no matter how pretty the tattoo, it's almost like vandalizing God's home in you. I don't want to smash your ambitions or anything, but I always thought tattoos were kind of a rebel thing. Maybe you could find a cool way to do it that wasn't so... defiant?
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