December 4, 2010
Atlanta Comic Con
- Dec 4, 2010 at 3:00am to Dec 5, 2010 at 10:00am MST
- Location: Cobb Galleria Centre
- Description: The Atlanta Comic Con (sponsored by Wizard Magazine) is the final stop of the 7 month long Unknown God Tour! I'm looking forward to meeting all my CCAS friends from the great Southeast part of the country.There's going to be some pretty neat celebrity guests there (Henry "Fonz" Winkler, Billy "Lando" D. Williams, Vivica "Kill bill" Fox, Pam "Jackie Brown" Grier and many more).I'll have the limited edition Signed and Numbered Eye Witness slipcase collections on hand as well as some more suprises.If you live in or around Atlanta, hope to see you there!R.J.
- Created by: Bob Luedke