If you are into disability studies or comics history, this presentation is for you! Presented by Joe and Denise Chiappetta
Celebrating the history of characters with disabilities in comics for over 200 years!
Cost: Free with price of admission ($35) into Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo (C2E2)
Kids age 12 and under get into C2E2 free on Sunday.
For more info about C2E2, go to www.c2e2.com
Iron Man, Daredevil, Hulk, Popeye, and Civil War Veterans. What do they all have in common? They all are extraordinary characters with disabilities featured in amazing stories that we love to read about. What do 1 in 5 Americans have in common? Disability. Come to this inspiring 60-minute presentation celebrating the remarkable history of lead characters with disabilities in comics.
Based on portions of Chiappetta's award-winning book, The Back Pain Avenger, attend a slideshow that exposes myths and stereotypes about comics characters with disabilities spanning over 200 years. Discover the intricate connection between comics and disability. Free comics will be given to select attendees.
This program is partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council, a state agency.