WWJD in publishing a comic????

Greetings friends.Alot has been on my mind lately about my comic book titled Discipl 6. There has been one constant from the beginning that has alway been a battle, which is the approach, or angle my comic comes at. what i mean by this is, frankly I dont want a christian comic. I dont think thats "all" its suppose to be. In an earlier discussion I have spoken about the separation between the christian/non christian "products" and how I view them. I strip it all down, and ask that silly, childish, yet meaningful question, "what would jesus do?"I dont think he would write a "christian" comic book. Jesus often found himself in the center of everything that was "the world". Loving those who didnt yet believe, but had open hearts to hear good stories, and a great message. This is how I feel about my comic book. I dont think God wants my comic only sold at churches and youth groups. WHO does that reach? (no offense to my church! lol) but I want to share these stories (which I believe I wrote USING the gifts God gives me) with EVERYONE.We are covering a series at church called "the prodical God" (also a book) it is VERY VERY interesting, and I encourage those of you to look it up. The reason why I bring this up is that Jesus would tell these parables to the "sinners" AND the teachers/pharisees. He told stories to EVERYONE.I know that at the end of the day, I might have christians thinking I am wrong for NOT making this a "christian book" and others thinking i am wrong cause this has "christian themes".This is where my mind is at lately. shouldnt I want to GRAB this WORLD by storm with my stories??Just wanted to share somethings, thanks for reading if you do you all feel about the topic?? do you think its wrong that it has a completely christian theme, yet I am reluctant to call it a christian book??
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  • Hey Matthew,

    I have to say I agree 100% with you. I have a story I am working on, my first every story. I know God put it in my heart to reach others. But if I make it just for the church, who is it reaching? Jesus himself "ate and sat with sinners" and to the eyes of the "church" it was wrong, yet, is He not our savior? I feel we are called for more than just publishing "alternative stories" for the youth groups. My story takes a fiction feel, but is about the happenings of the Anti-Christ, a "wolf in sheeps clothing" so to speak.

    Anyways, continue to work, and if God has put it in your heart to aim at the non-christians, then continue that route
  • Hey, thanks again for the words. I agree Baker has an amazing talent. Its nice that he and Andy both believe in this, because it does take thoughts/sketches, and gives them life. Also with those 2, more traffic will come with the network. I agree with you about not getting frustrated. I actually paid someone (half upfront) to do my website, and if you go there, you can obviously see he is not getting the rest. that side of it is sort of frustrating, but i have to also remember, God blessed me with these thoughts and dreams. not others. He needs to be the motivation, and I need to motivate myself. We are still in the birthing process of this whole thing though. Andy is going along nicely with pencils. Baker is fitting in what he can, and also throwing out amazing feedback, and thoughts. Its funny you mention my job (car sales) its been a blessing. I always tell people, "i dont sell cars, I let people buy them....." because I do not want to be "that guy" (we are a small, relaxed lot) and we have been here for 50 years. with comics, there is going to be a bit of both. To the publishers/comic shops i feel like I have to dress it up more, point out all the really cool things,, and in this way, sell myself a bit more...... But with common readers, people who go to images website, read wizard.... like new interesting things I feel like it has so much to stand on its own... I agree with the being human thing. Both guys on this project were prayed for. especially with baker, I had friends praying for me and my dreams... I mean, I have had these stories (for the most part) all down, written, drawn for years now. I have been drawing Griff for kids in schools (i use to be a school photographer years ago) for so long.. I am not set on just Image either, thanks for the suggestions. I will probably write more later, have to leave work now. thanks again.
  • Hey Matthew,
    I just read your synopsis, but only after I went to Matt's site and saw he was coloring and inking your book. I've known about Matt stuff for awhile now so I went over to check his page. I apologize, i've been to your website before, but never read all the posts.
    I like your synopsis. And yes the work is amazing, but don't get frustrated if people don't always respond. One, I don't get much feedback, but then I've gone on folks site and they have my site linked. I never knew thay even looked. Secondly, you have to sell yourself, market yourself. There is a balance with you working on that and being directed by God. But don't expect God to do it all and expect yourself to do it all. That's how staying close with Jesus helps direct you. God is telling me to not focus on the marketing that much,but allow my publisher to do it. I can do it some, but my weakness is to take control; and think I can do a better job than God(Yes, I know that is dumb to think that way, but I'm human.) Anyway, I'm saying more people than you realize is looking at your stuff eevn if they don't send encouraging words. Don't depend on encouraging words either to move in your dream. We like them, I like them, but like you said you know it's good stuff and what you think is the most important. Also, people read some comics because of the name associated with the comic that's where marketing yourself comes into play. Like I wonder when you sell a car do you sell the car or do you sell yourself to get folks to buy the car? I'm trying to pray and figure that out with my comic too. I read on a blog that Rob Liefeld feels he is the property just like his comics and he has to sell his name. I think that is true. How do you do that? I don't know, I've never been a salesman, but you are. So you can help me to understand that more. The fact is no one knows who we are. You have to build who you are. Having a website and being on this site is great, but that doesn't include the mainstream market. We're going to have to fight and fight to get out there. It took Todd Mcfarlene over 100 submissions to get his first drawing job, Dr, Suess was rejected 37 times. Yes, we have Jesus, but that also means we're going to have to speak out and proclaim our promises, because Satan does not want us out there. But we are more than conquerors. If a dream comes true fast that is great, but it's seldom. But the main thing is to persevere and keep pushing and pushing till the breakthrough. Discouragement is normal, but you never give up.
    Sorry if I'm rambling, but I'm encouraged by what you are doing and I pray Image picks you up. Also, have you thought of other mainstream companys like DarkHorse or Dynamite to submit to? I'm looking forward to your published work, because I like what you are doing and there is a market for us. ANd I believe God is creating that market just like He has done with CHristian music. And personally myself I want to read quality Christian themed comics. I wish there was more out there. But I guess we are the ones to continue and lead the way for that.
  • Thanks for the words, i appreciate it. I agree, I need god to lead this. my comics setting is christian. thats about it though. I posted this synopsis on a website and NO ONE responded (except one christian) even with the great art, no encouraging words. its kind of upsetting, but i know that this storyline is amazing (the story itself is obviously fiction! its about superheroes) i just dont know why people would read hellboy or spawn, but not this? are they not both creatively written?
  • Do what you think God is calling you to do. I agree that I feel my book should also be in the secular market to evangelize, plant seeds and bring back those who left God. I do plan on calling mine a Christian comic, because it's heavy with themes and that is what I've been called to do. Yet, you may be called to present your book differently. It's just like there are different ministries that reach out to different kind of people. God bless.
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