It's definitely been a week of change. Typical for the first week of the new year, but this one feels like alot more change has happened than in the past new years.
Anyways, first page is done, and I'm stoked.
I have a loaned laptop with photoshop and did some touch up, but since I have photoshop now, I need to scan in for better quality. Of course my scanning bed isn't that big, so I may need to start scanning in at kinkos, (possible money drain).
Here it is, comment on 1 thing you like and one thing you don't like.
One thing i like: OMG perspective!!! the backgrounds and all are done REALLY well. And all the attention to details!
One thing I dont like: The figure in the back in the last panel...for some reason the pose doesn't look natural with the way the legs are posed.
NIce page layout. The story of whats going on here is very clear. So I deff like that. There is nothing about the page I don't like, per say I would maybe change the orientation of the paratrooper whos coming "out" of the panel. I like that he's out side the panel really makes him pop, I would just change his orientation a smidge so he doesn't overlap too much with himself in the next panel were the shoot is out (which is also well done) maybe just rotate him a bit. I dig it though interested to see whats going on at this building :)