Things I'm Thankful For (2009 edition)

Hey Gang:I just wanted to give you an update on my progress with Unknown God and share a few things I'm thankful for on the very special thursday morning.As of yesterday, I started the home stretch on this largest of all the Eye Witness GN's. I began work on the final 20 pages, which will wrap up almost 8 years and 400 pages of storyline.....YEA! Please say a prayer for me that I can do this justice as it requires me to really stretch my talents to their limits to bring this project across the finish line in a complete and satisfying fashion.Some things I'm thankful for...-My loving wife (Sandy) of now over 26 years, who provides me the enviroment that has allowed me to pursue the EW project.-That God has graced my children with health.-That the Cowboys play each thanksgiving day.-That 8 years ago God helped me discover my passion and revealed his purpose for, what up till then I thought, was a pretty wasted life.-That God continues to bless this wonderful bastion of freedom we know as the USA. And even though we are currently going through some tremendous trials and growing pains as a country and people, that all these experiences will serve to make us stronger and more it did our forefathers (and mothers) who weathered the storm of the great depression.-recipes passed down through generations, like creme cheese based potato topping and liver turkey stuffing (it's on old German thang).-and finally...that when all else seems dark in our lives that we still have the ability to laugh!Happy Turkey day all...and be on the lookout for more sample artwork from Unknown God soon, as well as a pretty exciting announcment!
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