Anotherworry I had was the date of the event. I was kinda scared it might be aghost town being that usually everyone loves to spend time with theirfamily during a 4th of July weekend. Well it wasn't a ghost town, butattendance was down 40% this year. Sounds pretty bad huh? Well lucky forus we sold more books this year than last!
I just wanted tothank some people because with out them, I wouldn't have such a greattime! First off of course my LORD and Savior Jesus Christ. Jim KagelJr., Jamie Cosley, and Eric Merced. They are the true super stars of myministry. My Parents Joe and Adalia Pereira for their amazing support!My wife for letting me be me! Love you baby! My children that are hereJoey and Jayden for being such good boys while I exhibited at the event.To my soon to be child Joshua for not coming out sooner!!! It reallywould of put me in a pickle! Ka-Blam Digital Printing, Jak Prints. Myfellow Christian Comic Book creators, Bryan Mero, Bob Luedke, Pat Boone,Randall Clark, and Greg Lucero. A special thank you to the SWCvolunteers, you are amazing!!! Brandon Barr and Mike Lynch for theirsound advice, and friendship. Comfort Inn Marina, the punk Christianrock group The Kings Kids. To all who purchase a book for the child,THANK YOU!