My Life Is About To Change A Lot

Hey I hope everyone is okay this week! Hope you all had a good day and week last week. I haven’t written much else due to the fact that I have been learning to utilize my new sewing machine as well as a serge machine which was very tricky to thread (four spools at a time and a very specific set of loopers and blades). I have also been doing Uber at night and well, let’s just say I had the GROSSEST blessing in disguise: a drunk pair of soldiers threw up in my car and I got $300 out of all of that. Not even kidding. Cleaning my car was the bad part, driving around into Ft Bliss was no fun, watching these guys crawling on the sidewalk getting yelled at by their platoon leader wasn’t fun either. On the bright side, I got fat cash and nobody drove drunk or died. All of us went home safely.

I will eventually this month take up more character planning soon and add more to my story. I have new ideas. It turns out I may end up getting married sooner than I hoped. My parents don’t want me living at home anymore because of my job schedules and they’re wanting me out, so I guess I have no choice. I had been planning to marry this Fall around the music festival in town we get but it looks like I’ll be marrying by court first for $80 to move in with my other half. Life just neeeeever goes how we plan it to lol. (^_^)’ I guess it’s for the better, because he needs my help as it is.

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  • You're getting married? I'm so happy for you!! 

    Regarding the soldiers, hooray. That's a good $300 for helping people stay safe.  <3

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