Anyway, since my comic been out and after some blessings from God , my family and I have been through some spiritual warfare. Satan been going after us through a Credit Fraud incident, a car accident and other financial issues. But I don't fret, because that means I'm on the right track and my wife and I pray against the darkness and believe in the promises God has sent to us. I've been speaking in tounges also to wage war against the enemy. If you don't know, speaking in tounges is for todays believer and just ask God to give you the gift and He will. But also, if there is a hindrance in your answered prayers and you believe Satan is holding it back, praying in tounges is effective to allow the Holy Spirit to
speak to God more directly and not let Satan know what is being said. We're at war fellow soldiers, but we are the
victors since Christ has already won the war for us.
So I got a facebook page too and I'm going to use Twitter to market and advertise and other stuff. I'm very excited to have the ball rolling. THe future is bright. And I do have a pre-announcement about a web-comic I'm developing that will be weekly and tie into my graphic novels. God loves you and I love you. Take care.