So, since I've joined this community- I've had one goal: To express my creative elements without the burden of potentially evil or ungodly influences. That is, to not accidentally have a 'puppeteered hand' in my drawing or writing. I've immensely wanted to begin some form of story driven comic- but every other character I create feels... off... I've had a bad run of using my creative influence in questionable and bizarre ways for a good five or so years, and I've been trying to stretch out my ability to design and plot without falling back into that hole with one wrong idea or concept(such as evil beings taking the spotlight as 'good' characters.)

So, CCAS- How do you deal with keeping your inspiration in check? How do you fuel your creative flow without potentially inviting dark clouds and breathing life into unclean characters? Do you ever get bad sensations when an idea is potentially awry or from a possibly demonic source? Do you pray about your ideas or just go with the flow without taking it into much consideration? I'm curious!


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  • That is correct, Sven Jacobs. I wasn't sure what the talent talk was about, but I understand the general message and good gestures. I've been working to frequent church and I recently exited a situation that I'm sure was lorded over by dark forces- and I am now trying to shake off 5 years of wickedly driven creativity. I've been trying to discern, but because my entire family is struggling- I find it hard to keep in check when an idea is truly alright, or when it's just me trying to convince myself for pleasure. I think while your answer is one of the simplest, its also extremely true. I think that's what I needed to hear. Thank you!

  • I agree with RG. While most of the responses seem to focus on sacrificing the Gospel in order to showcase your talent, you seem to be talking more about how you discern whether the content of your talent is pure. I think that comes from a steady diet of the Word and prayer, which is to say grafting yourself to Christ, which is to say living according to the Spirit. That is the means of discerning, and producing good fruit. 

  • A talent should be a tool but not your identity. Your talent should serve your God...but at times it can demand your allegiance. It is a common struggle for many of us because we really, really like art and creativity...but creative talent is a fire that needs to serve a higher goal, and not run without discipline or aim.

  • I believe that the Lord can use our gifts to His glory.  I concur with RG that lots of prayer and daily reading of His word are mandatory.  Then you might want to connect with a Christian artist that is more seasoned and run your ideas and art through them as a form of accountability.  There are many believers on this site that you can connect with.

  • RG2Cents and Brien Sparling- Thank you for your wise words on the matter. I had a guess that comment 1 was the case, but I'm still trying to rekindle and relearn my faith from a low pedestal upwards. To Brien: How does ones talent own them? Is it in the form of uncontrollable temptations doing more harm than good when creativity is expressed?(ie. Your creative outlet is addictive, perverse and forceful) - compared to wielding it without needing the extra push or sway of a seeming outer force?
  • In your spirit you should know whether you own your talent, or it owns you. The Holy Spirit shares with no one, not even the arts.  If I create, it is by his allowance; I must stop at a hint of his displeasure.   But that line between creativity and slippery temptation changes from person to person...and day to day for a believer.

    RG is totally right about prayer. Sanctified common sense is also a guide: don't play with dangerous art and risky themes, areas where you know you are in danger.

    Sometimes you really need a personal mentor, an outside observer who knows you well enough to advise you piece-by-piece, day by day, until you are stronger. Do you have such a person in your life?

  • For me...  Prayer.  Lots and lots of Prayer.  Just the fact that you are very concerned about this is a good sign.  

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