I'm talking about The Gideon Media Arts conference.
The Gideon was started to give Christians who are interested in themedia arts a place to encourage their talents, a venue to meet, learn,network and get advice from experts in the industry, and theopportunity to develop working and personal relationships that extendlong after the Gideon is over. Join us JUNE 3-8, 2010 at the LifeWay Conference Center in Ridgecrest, NC.
Here's a chance torecharge your creative batteries, get inspired, and hobnob with otherChristian creative types (you know: musicians, film makers, writers,comic book creators, etc.). Last year was a huge blessing to me, as Imade a lot of contacts and started somenew friendships and met some people I'd only e-mailed before. It's a great opportunity for networking and getting encouraged and pushing yourself as a Christian creator in a fallen world.
I'll bethere June 3-8 this year, doing some seminars about comics and graphicnovels. Tell 'em Ben sent ya!