Yesterday was a landmark day!! I finally finished a script for a 54 page graphic novel!!!
Granted, it's a first part of a long line of stories, so much so that the subtitle for it is "Prologue," but still, I finished it!!
My wife Mandy is looking over it now, looking for plot holes and inconsistencies and such. Once she's finished, I'll get started on the artwork. Really looking forward to it!!
I'll be posting some pieces of art as I finish, hoping that you guys out there can give me some pointers on how to improve. As I've said before, the Lord has shown me that I'm never so great at anything that I can't learn from someone else. And what better place to learn than among my brothers and sisters in Christ!!
So excited!! Praise God for his faithfulness!!
awesome dude can't wait to read the finnish product.
Congratulations on your completion of the final draft of your script! May God bless you as you continue to faithfully bring your project to completion for His Glory:)
Whoohoo! May the Lord and your family continue to support this endevor! Looking forward to seeing your pencil or pen draft-copies.