There's so much energy in this picture, it makes me think a so many things at one time. 'Let there be Light' God said/ The big bang/ The Burning Bush Moses saw/ Gandalf the White unveiled are all impressions I got in just 30 seconds of enjoying this picture. When my mind settles down and I stop looking for likenesses and just enjoy the colors and shape and the white, it's dazzling in it's own right.
There's so much energy in this picture, it makes me think a so many things at one time. 'Let there be Light' God said/ The big bang/ The Burning Bush Moses saw/ Gandalf the White unveiled are all impressions I got in just 30 seconds of enjoying this picture. When my mind settles down and I stop looking for likenesses and just enjoy the colors and shape and the white, it's dazzling in it's own right.