Hey my brothers and sisters in Christ,just letting you all know that I closed a chapter in my life and opened up a new one. I got water baptized again today. It was great. The first time was good, but this one was great. You see when I got baptized the first time I took it serious, but like all baby Christians you lose focus and make mistakes and second guess yourself in your walk, and that led to sins to creep back into my life, the sins that I had left to die in the water some 9 years ago. As I grew in the Lord in the first church that Ialso came to Christ at, I became a worker in the church, but notfor the Lord. What that means was my heart was to serve God, but I was working in the church and not for the kingdom. I always kept my relationship with Jesus close to me, but I never really heard the word. I was an usher in the church and a catcher and youth leader, yet I really didn't put to work the word. Fast forward and now that I have sat down under a ministry that is feeding me I have become a worked of the Lord. I apply what the word says to my life and slowly built up a relationship that is striving. Of course I slipped and fell, but I kept getting up, loss my job in which was the best thing to happen to me, I was sinning and I knew it, but the Lord kept me in the job to minister to fellow co workers and which led my friend who was living a life style that is, lets say an abomination ( just keeping it G rated for the little ones) to not only to come to the church and give her life to the Lord, but today she also got baptized. Praise His holy name. And a sister in the church, her son also came back to the Lord and got baptized today. Praise Him. So you see it was a great baptizm, not just for me, but for those who needed the Lord. Amen