Christian Comic Creators are Living Epistles...

Hi everyone. Actually, this isn't a mini-review of Robert Flores' "The Graphical Epistles of First John, James, & Jude". I hope to give you my impressions of the book soon, but I just wanted to tell you about my day as it relates to Christian comics. This morning I received an invite to be Ben Avery's 'Friend' here on the CCAS social network. I was eager to agree, I've heard of Ben many times through Alpha Omega AOans, and I was particularly moved by a dialog I read between he and Alec Stevens over at recently. I wanted to get to know Ben better, so I went to his page here and read about the SELAH project.

I decided I wanted to participate in SELAH, and opened my dusty Bible to Psalms. You know, they are pretty darn impressive...! It's probably the first time I've ever actually read most of them all the way through, and I probably only finished a couple dozen of them so far.

I never would've read the Psalms today, if not for Ben Avery and Community Comic's project. The passage that particularly stuck with me was where David says 'Let the righteous man rebuke me...I will accept shall be as oil on my head.' (Heavily paraphrased by me).

Now, this came into play this evening, when I opened Robert's 'The Graphical Epistles'. Frankly John, James, and Jude rebuked me. My flesh grew flustered, then ashamed, then it always had before. In this unclean mood, I began taking verses out of context out of fear and resentment. But...! Two things kept me reading. The first was David's saying 'Let the righteous man rebuke me...' Well? Did I believe that or not? The second was Robert Flores. I've only known Robert recently, and only through email. But he has been a great Christian brother, and while I grew angry at John, James, & Jude, I couldn't get mad at Robert. So I kept reading. And little by little, the Lord is working on my heart. I am beginning to see the Epistles in a new Light. I'm not out of the shadows yet, but I believe these verses will one day be very precious to me, and that they are words of Life, not of death. I will read 'The Graphical Epistles' again and again.

I'm not trying to embarrass these guys, but I must say that for me, I buy or read Christian comic books as much for the comic writers and artists as for the books themselves. You all are living Epistles to me. You enhance my reading experience, you win the right to share the Bible's hard truths with me, and some of you are becoming friends over the internet. And this is the power of your testimonies and the love you show your brothers and sisters; that you do draw us closer to the Lord Jesus and His perfect Bible.

Anyway, that's how my day as a Christian comic book hobbyist went today. May God bless you all:)
Gerry Lee

P.S. JCServant and Cyberlight Comics will be at Orlando Con doing the Lord's work this weekend. Please say a prayer for them, that God might use their faithfulness to do great works for His glory.

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