Hi everybody!My new Web Comic is nearing completion of the first issue! "Redemption: ArmoredSaint" is being digitally painted and I just finished page 6 (of 13) for the first issue. This story is both an origin story and a first meeting between my character Redemption and Clint Johnson's character FaithWalker, setting up for a later team book, "Defenders of the Faith".Keep visiting my main site, www.TimGagnon.org for updates on a release dates and locations. I'm shooting for the end of this month!Bye!TimGagnon
Sounds great Happy! I'm putting the finishing touches on this next week so it will be son. Keep checking here and at www.TimGagnon.org for a release date!
Hey Tim, looking forward to seeing your new comic when it comes out. I would love to take a look at it to review through my comic book review site... www.craborchardcomics.blogspot.com