Perhaps (based on this commentary) Jon Lassater should've tried to tackle Buena Vista instead of Disney if he really wanted to run things? What if instead of running my own studio or even becoming a Executive Producer, I started a theatre/dvd distrubution company? I could even have schools screening thier students best work for the mainstream media! How does one start a buisness plan/partnership for that side of Hollywood?I also was considering of starting another webiste that focused more on data than socializing...I don't like it either when I mess up a detail to a setting in one of my scripts, such as placing the wrong species of frog in a certain location and every expert on animals, amphibians, reptiles, etc falls upon it and no longer enjoys the rest of the narritave over it! So, what if there were a website where people living in or experts of any location submitted this kind of data for filmmakers to quickly and easily access as a reference for their films, that they then can more accurately reproduce that setting in their movie and even add extra value to the scene in discovering some obscure fact that they couldn't know (such as a inside joke to a towns oddly build restraunt, for an extreme example) from this site? I was thinking of dividing the forms down to every zip code/district of a city, since as you would know two parallel districts of San Francisco, Berkeley, or Oakland can be worlds apart, and then compiling all that data of that city as one pdf manual or something for a filmmaker to download....I'd probably have to charge the filmmakers for this information however, as the only way I can think of assuring that I am getting accurate much less honest information form these starngers from every city/district/town/village/tribe in the world is if I paid them for their services....
Well I did come up with that latter idea from your LJ, Gloria...I tried to start one but I didn't think I was ready to pander towards Brew's favor...I even thought of hiring the MythBusters as personal councelors if I ever made a live-action film so make sure our particular scenes that I intend to maintian realism are abiding as such, but that's so far down the line they may come up with a career in the F/x department for filmmakers anyway! The other reason I came up with it is because I have a terrible fear of almost every long-distance traveling vehicle, as well as traveling in general....I'd be the type of manager that forgets to take an entire person at best back from wherever we were going to....
My local government has an economic development office that offers residents a free disk with information on starting businesses. This type of information is regional, so you would need to check with your local government's chamber of commerce, economic development office, Better Business Bureau, or other resource. However, you could learn a great deal on the job, before you set out on your own.
Do you really want to start out in Hollywood? How many successful studios exist outside of Hollywood?
There are no shortcuts to researching a particular area or culture. I still cringe when I see movies that try to portray life in the culture in which I was raised. Too often it is based upon stereotypes and media images. I also recommend travel. It's easier to do when you are young.
This kind of stuff iswhy filmmakers take reearch trips to their locations. You can't compile the world into data, man. And if you had such a document, the things in it would become cliches used by filmmakers, instead of things that they create based on their own experiences of the place.
In making your artwork (film or whatever), do the best research you can, and go from there. The potential of erroneously placing the wrong species of frog or whatever is somethng you can pay someone to worry about when you're actually making your film with real funding later on. Focus on making a good film, and things like that will get taken care of.
Not trying to discourage you or anything, just trying to help focus your attention on what's important. Keep up the hard work. Just don't forget to have fun with it.
Do you really want to start out in Hollywood? How many successful studios exist outside of Hollywood?
There are no shortcuts to researching a particular area or culture. I still cringe when I see movies that try to portray life in the culture in which I was raised. Too often it is based upon stereotypes and media images. I also recommend travel. It's easier to do when you are young.
In making your artwork (film or whatever), do the best research you can, and go from there. The potential of erroneously placing the wrong species of frog or whatever is somethng you can pay someone to worry about when you're actually making your film with real funding later on. Focus on making a good film, and things like that will get taken care of.
Not trying to discourage you or anything, just trying to help focus your attention on what's important. Keep up the hard work. Just don't forget to have fun with it.